
2019-04-11 14:28:24

The IMF expects the world economy to grow 3.3% this year, down from 3.6% in 2018. In its previous forecast in January, the IMF had predicted that international growth would reach 3.5% this year.


For the United States, IMF economists downgraded their growth forecast for this year to 2.3% from 2.9% in 2018.


Via apnews.com


The euro areaeconomy lost more momentum than expected as consumer and business confidence weakened and car production in Germany was disrupted by the introduction of new emission standards; investment dropped in Italy; and external demand, especially from emerging Asia, softened.

在欧元区,经济衰退的程度比预期得还严重 。在欧元区,消费者和市场信心在降低;随着新的排放政策出台,德国的汽车生产也受到了影响;意大利的投资在减少;外部市场(尤其是亚洲新兴市场)对欧元区的需求也在放缓。

Elsewhere, natural disasters hurt activity in Japan.


图 via AP;IMF首席经济学家Gita Gopinath

“This is a delicate moment for the global economy,” Gita Gopinath, the IMF’schief economist , said at a news conference, while cautioning that the fund does not foreseean international recession .

IMF首席经济学家 Gita Gopinath在新闻发布会上说:“现在是全球经济非常脆弱的时刻。”但她警示IMF目前还没有预测到全球性的经济衰退 。