中国军售巴铁AIP潜艇 日本印度网民评论引震怒!

2016-10-17 11:42:21

中国军售巴铁AIP潜艇 日本印度网民评论引震怒!


aibaba thadiboyina (Secunderabad)The arms race has again started and China will not only be making money but will also be watching the fun.军备竞赛再次开始了。中国不仅赚得盆满钵满,而且在一旁看乐子

andy jorgensen (Tumkur)There is nothing for China or Pakistan to be proud of in this deal! The already wealthy China becomes a bit more richer by this sale.对中国来说,这并不算什么。而巴基斯坦为这次交易感到自豪!这次军售让已经富裕的中国变得更加富裕。

roger k (unknown)Guess who gives the money to Pakistan to pay for all this ? Uncle Sam ! US and China are in race to keep Pakistan on their side, to force India to lick their boots ! Jai Hind !猜猜是谁把钱给巴基斯坦用来买这些战机的?是山姆大叔!美国和中国在争巴基斯坦站在其一边

AshoQShahoO (Kuwait City)Chinese promise are same like Chinese products…Good looking but no durability.中国的承诺跟中国货一样。外表好看,但是不耐用

China is dumping made in china …on pak.中国在巴基斯坦倾销中国货Ketan Tirodkar ()Unholy alliance for India.对于印度来说,这可是邪恶联盟

