
2018-04-05 15:43:31


During one of our strolls£¬ we passed the Chinese delegation. All serious£¬ taking notes£¬ being engaged by this stunning Italian woman from Shell i think who was explaining some kind of product to the head of the Chinese delegation.We stood a bit to the side and listened in politely£¬ when the head of the Chinese delegation caught our eye£¬ offered a friendly smile and handshake and asked if we were waiting for them to finish up.




“Oh no no£¬ please continue.”£¬ we replied. “Just wanted to say hi£¬ we’re from Pakistan”

The Chinese gentleman’s face lit up instantly. “Pakistan£¡” He shook my hand warmly “Our brother£¡” he exclaimed.It was quiet a moment. I remember every tiny detail from it even till today. The Italian lady’s surprise at how warmly we were being greeted. The other booth employees turning around to see what all the fuss was about. Their own looks of surprise at how the small fry£¬ largely ignored Pakistani delegation was being treated so warmly by the most watched delegation of all£¬ the Chinese.


