
2015-06-19 10:32:59 发帖人:鹰男 参与评论(0)人

NoCanDo Richard Lowry ? an hour ago

Those Islands arent complete yet….China is justtesting the US…seeing if their Business buddies in the US can stall a USresponse. Once they’re up and running then you are going to see theextortion….


Tyga da pervert ? 2 hours ago

Mainstream media writes articles like this for”Amazon villagers of United States”.


NoCanDo ? 2 hours ago

China by far….their military might be one bigbluff after another….but the fact we handed them our economy and let thembreak every financial rule in the book isnt a bluff….add to that we have aquarter million of the cheating reds driving up the price of our educationsystem.

Russia might have the military know how but thereis no magic way around the absurd cost of quality weapons and they simply donthave the cash anymore….their navy is a far cry from what it once was, theiraircraft are some quality but they seem to be for export.




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6月19日 马里亚纳“猎火鸡”
