印度民族起义一般指1857年到1859年发生在北部和中部印度的反对英国统治的民族起义。这次起义终结了英国通过... [详细]
Blaz Kec ? 2 hours ago
The largest treat to USA is USA itself. Russia andChina are not of ant treat to USA. USA should shift from bombing and bullingmentality to fair competition mentality. Then USA will respect internationalrules and laws, and will stop to No 1 violator of them. Nobody from
BRICScountries claimed “anti western” status. This is western constructionand perception. BRICS countries want to escape from rules of”international community” that are fluent, and interpreted at will,from case to case. BICS and other countries are fed up of western
hypocrisy anddouble standards, and rule ” do what I say, not what I do. USA spentseveral decades to destroy all it s credibility, now it will take the same timeto rebuild it.
piker Mike ? 3 hours ago
“Today, China still loses against the US interms of military development…”
Really? Last I checked the US didn’t even take careof the Taliban. It’s not like the US and China didn’t get a taste of each otherin Korea.
NoCanDo Spiker Mike ? 2 hours ago
Korea was Truman nailing down MacArthur – he deniedhim reinforcements and just when the US was driving the Chinese back up thepeninsula he pushed for a halt to hostilities…as China was getting theirtails handed to them they rushed to agree. as for the Taliban – no…just no.