马伦哥会战(Bataille de Marengo,1800年6月14日),为法国与奥地利帝国于第二次反法同盟时期的一场战役。... [详细]
higgs merino -》 Bajie Zhu ? 12 days ago
And they still win.
Run4Life ?22 days ago
Americans are so self-centered to think that the US is the center of Universe and that no one else’s history or actions matter.
Roger Chavez -》 Nevoigt ? 21 days ago
Feel good piece? Try outright propaganda piece, part of Obama’s “Pivot to Asia” to include outright military threats.
moebius2249 -》 Nevoigt ? 22 days ago
Unlike us, they largely seem to be over it.
thanh nguyen -》 moebius2249 ? 22 days ago
Technically, the people of Vietnam learned their lessons after the U.S. left. For the people who helped the North Vietnamese commies during the war, they realized that they were fooled the whole time by the North Vietnamese Commies. After the war, the North commies show their true colors and turned out worst than they thought. For next 20 years after 1975. People lived in hell and the country went backward. The country was pretty much like North Korea today.