
2015-05-27 13:41:32 发帖人:云天孤鹤 参与评论(0)人

easonya ? 12 days ago

“Vietnam’s war with the U.S. lasted just a decade”

The US waged war against Vietnam- not the other way around. Basic history NPR



loverpoint -》 seasonya ? 21 days ago

The USA did not declare war on Vietnam , the USA took the side of South Vietnam in a Civil War. The South had been supported by the French in what was considered a war against Communism .


Kevin Cronin -》 loverpoint ? 10 days ago

Not quite correct….The French did not support the South. The area was a colonial possession of France. After WWII the French tried to reestablish control but too weak. The US supported the French but to no avail….the 1954 Geneva accords divided Vietnam with a later date of reunification, the rest as they say is history.

I know this will come off as snotty…but there no reason to be wrong here….there is a lot of correct history out there….you and the two posted up need to look it up.


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