
2015-05-27 13:41:32 发帖人:云天孤鹤 参与评论(0)人

hoang nguyen Peter Melzer ? 9 days ago

Romanized Vietnamese (ch? Qu?c-ng?) was not invented by a 19th century French monk. It came into being in the 17th century as a result of Portuguese missionaries. The first dictionary was indeed put to print by a Frenchman, Alexandre de Rhodes (??c-l? in Vietnamese) in 1651 but the text was a trilingual Vietnamese-Portuguese-Latin compendium, testifying to the Portuguese origin. Romanized Vietnamese reflects this partly in orthography.

罗马化越南字不是19世纪法国传教士的发明。而是产于17世纪的葡萄牙修士。第一本字典是由法国人Alexandre de Rhodes (??c-l? in Vietnamese) 在 1651年印刷的。但是文本有着三种语言越南语-葡萄牙语-拉丁语的纲要,这体现了其葡萄牙来源。罗马化越南字在正字法中部分反映了这一点。

Henry Nguyen -》 Peter Melzer ? 9 days ago

It’s partially true that only few Vietnamese scholars are able read old texts but knowledge of pre-French history can be obtained by with translated versions and verified with original versions where necessary. The bigger problem for Vietnamese historians are destroyed ancient records by Chinese conquerors, thus depended heavily on Chinese documents and more modern original records are located in France.


Wanderer Cloud -》 Hmmmmmmmmmm ? 20 days ago

Yes, you are correct. The wall was written to honor Confucius and is inConfucian script which itself is a writing system, no less! The Vietnamese at the time using their own Chinese derivative writing system :


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