
2015-05-27 13:41:32 发帖人:云天孤鹤 参与评论(0)人


Hmmmmmmmmmm ? 10 days ago

“The Temple of Literature in Hanoi is a good example. It was built by the Vietnamese King Ly Thánh T?ng in 1070 to honor the Chinese philosopher Confucius. The teachings on the walls are written in Mandarin.”

I think the writer meant Chinese characters. Mandarin is a dialect. Other dialects, as well as other languages, also use the Chinese characters. Chinese is comparable to Latin. It was used by scholars and officials.

“在河内的文庙是一个很好的例子。越南国王Ly TháNH T?NG 1070建造以供奉中国哲学家孔子。墙壁上的教导都是用普通话写的。”


Guest-》Hmmmmmmmmmm ? 10 days ago

Absolutely correct, but Mandarin is very complex and the writer is evidently still trying to master the English language: “The Obama Adminstration’s “pivot toward Asia” is prompted in part with the idea of trying to contain China’s expansionism, which has it’s Southeast Asian neighbors and Japan worried.”

For the gazillionth time, Journalsists: “it’s” means “it is!” The possessive of “it” is “its!”


hoang nguyen -》 Hmmmmmmmmmm ? 9 days ago

Technically it’s not Chinese but Classical Chinese or ch? Nho in Vietnamese. Even modern Chinese will find the writings hard to decipher.

从技术上讲,这不是现代汉语,是古典汉语或者越南人说的ch? Nho,即是现代中国人也很难解读。

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