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西方哀嚎:别指望中国崩溃 快让孩子学中文吧

论坛出处:  作者:  时间2014-05-20 07:56:28


  distance is nothing。。。absence ma


  I'm sure Singapore will be 2nd in line when China whacks Philippines。?It's has always been their leader's practice to kick a man when he's down


  yeah。。。start the wacking as soon as the Chinese can get their frigate off the rocks that ran aground hor??ahahaha what a bunch of clowns。。。。the Chinese are realising that if they dont maintain a stronghold in the South China Sea they will get hemmed in by the US navy and all their allies。 Just look at the geography and you can see, if the americans wanna blockade all the sea routes to China, it will be too simple。。。。 only way for the Chinese will be to beg their "friends" - Russia, Burma and India to let them pass。。。。。aint gonna happen。。。。


  I think LKY or Ho Ching have done the right thing otherwise u cannot tahan to see a lot of fake angmo who already changed to adopt English as their native language and many more to be conned by kong hee







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