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西方哀嚎:别指望中国崩溃 快让孩子学中文吧

论坛出处:  作者:  时间2014-05-20 07:56:28


  1。 come on!?2。 wake up & smell the kopi。3。 what a load of crap on the motherland thing, chin culture & asian values。4。 dogs are always dogs, no matter what color or place!


  most of them speak fluent mandarin with native intonations。 accents aside, there are huge variations in accents in china (which includes singapore), the chinese locals in singapore province use grammatically perfect chinese, as it is their native tongue, unlike their english which is a foreign language。singapore is best suited to join fujian or maybe guangzhou。。。many of the chinese there speak heavily accented mandarin but command perfect grammar and speak a chinese dialect well。。。just like the comrades from singapore。 same food, same culture, same habits。it will be a joyous day for everyone in singapore。


  No surprise if one day China claim Sickapoor to be part of China, since they can do it to Philippines。。China is far far away from Spratly Island whereas Philippines is 110km away and China has got the chick to claim its their! becos it has oil and mineral。?One day Sickapoor will become China as per Claimed!!!Becos Sickapoor has got too many PRC chicken running all over the estates starting from Geylang, Chinatown,and other HDB town!!


  I am very sure Philippines will be whacked one day by China and the rest of SE Asia will automatically fall in line。







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