deadbeef > P&Y ? 10 hours ago
My view is you're basically left alone to handle this, and you better be prepared for that。
deadbeef > P&Y ? 10 hours ago
o you think you are acting as the front line for American to block Chinese from "breaking out the Pacific Rim"? They are already at the row with Japan for the islands east of Taiwan。 Just wonder what you really can do to stop them? You need American to protect you, or American need you to protect them?
JAMES ? 11 hours ago
i dont know what r u guys thinking about。
i am a student from ROC (Taiwan) and i would support the trade pact。
Yes those crazy guys seized the legislative yuan but it doesn't mean ALL TAIWANESE meant to do dat
Just be respectful if u can only see things from a bunch of shi。。。。。 i mean news。。。。as u know nothing
Yazu Shin > JAMES ? 11 hours ago
o in other words you will exchange your freeedom for some money?
P&Y > Yazu Shin ? 11 hours ago
It is a well known tactic by China and whoever admiring their methods to use ghost writers (the "50-cent party", for the money they get for their labor) to influence public opinions in social media。 So who knows。
Frnkl ? 18 hours ago
The US only would accept Reunification if the PRC was its colony and had to annex Taiwan。 Same as happened in Germany。 Or the only way it would accept Korean Reunification。。。。but being the opposite in the case of the PRC, it is obvious the U。S。 doesn′t accept to lose a large colony like Taiwan。 Britain didn′t have any other option being Hong Kong smaller, and the UK didn′t have the same Defense capabilities as the U。S。
But, the truth is that Taiwan is just an American colony, a part of the U。S。 similar to Guham。 So they will not give it to China for free。