TaiwanEcho > TaiwanEcho ? a day ago
Oh btw, even Taiwan was part of Qing literally, the Qing didn't admit her authority over Taiwan。 Proof? There was in fact a little known war between Taiwan and the USA -- Yes, a war, with real knives and guns and bullets。 It happens shortly after US civil war。 US marines landed in southern Taiwan and launched attack on Taiwanese。 The US marines lost the battle and one US major, who led the operation, was killed。 Then both sides negotiated。 The US thought Qing is the gov and thus the one to talk, but Qing denied her authority over Taiwan and asked the US to talk to Taiwanese。 So, the US and Taiwanese negotiated and reached a diplomatic agreement。
Annie Wang 8 hours ago
I'm a Taiwanese who is pro trade pact, the student protesters do not speak for me。 However, I keep an open mind to hear people who are against the tract pact so that I can understand their perspectives。 Unfortunately, your article is biased and not based on the facts。 Ma DID NOT “renege his promise to allow a clause-by-clause review。” The
only thing he refused is to abort the whole trade pact as one of the requests from the students
There are too many voices and confusion coming from the student movement (even the protest leader agreed in an interview,) some are accusing the government to keep things in the dark but are not agains the entire trade pact, some are against the trade pact, some stood up because they are against the communism, some of them are against the Ma。 In my eyes, they are a bunch of unorganized, undisciplined kids who want people to hear their voice but do not know clearly what they want。 Nevertheless, I agree that no matter what they stood for, President Ma must acknowledge that the people of Taiwan (at least 2% of them) are disappointed with the current status。
Joseph Siew > TaiwanEcho ? 9 hours ago
Respect democracy, respect your vote。
P&Y ? 11 hours ago
I live in Taiwan。 Let's call a spade a spade: Ma is a dictator bent on imposing his grand vision of glorious fatherland on Taiwan to the detriment of the political and economical interests of all but the top 1% in collusion with him and the KMT。 Even as we speak, he is sending out his minions to crack down on protesters domestically through mass persecution/harassment and track down overseas Taiwanese people involved in global protests for blacklisting。 Is it not reasonable to demand the passage of a law as the SOP for effective review of trade agreements? Alas, Ma and his Minions and colluders steadfastly deny the People's wish for due diligence AND due process。
What we have here is a total disconnect of the elected officials from the majority will they are supposed to represent。 Democracy isn't about electing rulers so they can do anything and everything nilly-willy in the name of public mandate。 Similarly, the rule of law isn't just about the means of rule by a state over its people; rather it should also be about the balance and regulation of government powers to protect ordinary people from its harm by passive negligence or active persecution。
The US Interest will pay dearly if it falsely assume that all will end well just to let Ma and China roughshod their grand designs down the throats of the people of Taiwan under a veneer of a democracy that is nothing but mockery to its true spirit。 Sure, there are short term gains to be had, but in the long run, when China's ambition breaks out the Pacific Rim and meets the US Midway to Pearl Harbor, then there will be a price to pay。
And to what end will this history as farce be, as by then my home will have known the taste of slavery yet again?