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别痴心妄想了:中国已统一无望 将彻底失去台湾

论坛出处:  作者:  时间2014-04-14 07:26:10


  Baltric > Chad LeCroy ? a day ago

  tudents storming the legislative yuan and executive yuan is not dysfunctional enough? parliament members physically blocking the speaker stand for 36 sessions is not enough? Inherent dislike between 本省 and 外省 or those who can speak Taiwanese and those who can't, even though all are naturally born in Taiwan?


  Chad LeCroy > Baltric ? a day ago

  People standing up and fighting for their freedom is not dysfunctional。 Again your comments make no sense and are truly offensive。 What is dysfunctional is the way you think。 I don't know if are just trying to be funny or you really think this way。 It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, sorry。


  Baltric > Chad LeCroy ? 16 hours ago

  People standing up for their rights is fine, as long as they follow the rules and procedures。 I。e。 constitutional challenge in court。

  If you find what I write offensive, please explain? If you've never witnessed what I described, you should expose yourself to less homogeneous crowds since they are still going on in Taiwan。



  Hantine Kirkland > Baltric ? a day ago

  I don't know who you are or where you're from, but it's really disrespectful to make a general comment like that about the relationship between 本省 and 外省 or between people that do or don't speak taiwanese。 You apparently don't know what Taiwan is like now。 And how can you say Taiwan as a whole is dysfunctional just because the students are storming the legislative yuan and executive yuan。 If that's the criteria for being dysfunctional then the whole world has been dysfunctional in the past century。


  Baltric > Hantine Kirkland ? 16 hours ago

  How's it disrespectful if it's true? I'm merely pointing out a flaw in the Taiwanese society。

  Are you saying this problem no longer exists? Just like how there's no more racism in the United States?

  You are absolutely correct, the world can be pretty dysfunctional, depending on which view you subscribe to。 For example, gay rights, legalizing marijuana。。。。etc。 I'm sure there are many more。 However, I'm not saying that I'm against any of the aforementioned issues, but that different sectors of society have different expectations and values。




  hence。liu > Hantine Kirkland ? a day ago

  If we always focus on groups than we can't solve problem, our constitution still have flaw。


  kart_125cc > Peter Lim ? a day ago

  "She can take back Taiwan anytime she want"

  Meaning what exactly? By force? Perhaps。 Having an ability to do a thing is not the same as being willing to take on the costs and consequences attendant with pursuit of such an action。 The US has the ability to simply nuke anyone who would deign to disagree with her - in case they forgot。 Obviously the cost of doing so would be far greater than anything gained。 For that matter, if China should "take back" Taiwan, well, the US could just nuke China - in case they forgot。 Just saying。 Obviously the cost to the US of lobbing nukes to "solve" any disputes would be far greater than anything gained。 Similarly, the cost to China of "taking back" Taiwan would be greater than anything gained。

  The problem is that "taking back" Taiwan would surely be a Pyrrhic victory。 I'm sure China knows that。 Taiwan knows that。

  Fortunately for the world, most geopolitical disputes are addressed in terms of cost/benefit analysis rather than simple "ability" to do this or that。

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