US should preserve peace and uphold documents she signed herselfto protect postwar world order。 The Cairo Declaration, and the PotsdamProclamation were signed by countries like China, and The US。 These documentscondemned Japan for stealing territories including islands, defined clearlyJapan's territory to be limited its four islands and demanded it to returnthose stolen islands by the war criminals。 In the beginning, Japan refused toaccept the terms in these documents and continued to be defiant。 Then, US nukedJapan with two nuclear bombs。 Then the situation forced Japan to accept thesedocuments。 This was clearly outlined in their surrender documents and formedthe basis for their current constitution。 Is Japan asking more nukes to finallyagree to the postwar order defined by those documents? Japanese people shouldlearn from history, be apologetic to the war crimes its country committed andpromote a peaceful relationship with its neighbors, which is ultimately goodfor the course of prosperity of its own people。
美国应该维护和平并且履行其签署的关于保卫战后世界秩序的文件。 中国和美国都签署了开罗宣言和波茨坦公告。这些文件谴责了日本对包括岛屿在内的领土窃取,明确定义了日本的领土仅限于四个本岛,并且要求日本(的战犯)归还其他一切窃取的岛屿。日本一开始不接受并且公然违抗这些文件中的条款。然后美国就扔了两粒蛋。然后日本就被迫接受了。这些都在他们的无条件投降中明确表明,并且构成了他们现有宪法的基准。日本现在又不想遵守这些条款,又想要蛋了吗。日本人应当从历史中学习,对他们的战争罪行向受害国道歉,要同邻居们建设和平关系,这些对日本人的繁荣进程是最终有利的。