 军模 iphone5 
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论坛出处:  作者:  时间2013-12-20 09:46:55


  kyknight said: ↑ Jade rabbit has taken its first photo on the moon Any landing videos?? Juice said: ↑ Lol。。。。that's strange。 If Apollo was fake, why did Chinese media use Apollo photos for "artist conceptions" before the landings? If I tell you Apollo wasn't fake, would you sleep better at night?

  回复skyknight: 有任何的视频吗? 回复Juice: 如果我告诉你阿波罗不是假的,你晚上是不是会睡的更好些??

  Yesterday at 10:38 PM Tractor Our moon landing too lame if Apollo 11 which could sending TV signals not a fake one。


  Yesterday at 10:41 PM Juice rott said: ↑ Good for all mankind。 Be it Indian, American, Russian or African。 Cheers to Yutu and Change 3!!! Any landing videos?? If I tell you Apollo wasn't fake, would you sleep better at night? Lol, not really。。。if I told you China was a real place and not just made up。。。。would you sleep better?

  回复rott: 哈哈,不是真的。。如果我告诉你中国是个真实的地方,而不只是由。。。也许你会睡的更好?

  Yesterday at 10:42 PM cnleio To the moon, China coming 。。。


  Yesterday at 10:42 PM rott




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