Vijay Sanjuluse (Unknown) I'm waiting for the landing of Manglyaan (Mass Orbiter Mission)。。。。。。。
hri sos (Unknown) replies to Vijay Sanjuluse ITS AN ORBITER!!!!!。。。。。 it landing on mars would imply crashing。。。。。。 i hope u are not waiting for that。
christjohnny33 (Location) replies to Vijay Sanjuluse sorry you see any landing, just orbiting and gather information just like the last moon mission。
anon (international journo) Did someone check if they did't put an immigrant onboard?
v srinivas (hyderabad) A feat of control engineering that we in India will take a very very long time to come up to。
控制工程的壮举,我们印度将要花很长很长时间才能赶上。[/indent][indent] sumit (kolkata/worldwide) chinkki '50 cent' army has landed in this comments page as well