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论坛出处:  作者:  时间2013-11-22 12:18:48



  Ambassador Locke’s Statement on Serving as U。S。 Ambassador to China

  erving as the U。S。 Ambassador to China has been the honor of a lifetime。 I am profoundly grateful to President Obama for providing me the opportunity toserveas his representative in Beijing these past two and ahalfyears – and to be the first Chinese-American to hold this position。 Helping manage one of the most vitally important bilateral relationships for the United States, with so manycriticalAmericaninterests atstake, has been an immense and rewarding challenge。 And living in China while representing the United States has truly been an excitingprivilegefor our entire family。

  When Imetwith President Obama earlier this month, I informed him of mydecisiontostepdown asAmbassadorinearly2014 to rejoin my family in Seattle。

  I am extremely proud of the work of our staff at the U。S。 Embassy and Consulates in China and what we have been able to accomplish together on behalf of the American people and for U。S。-China relations。

  Our efforts have focused onjobcreation in America by increasingexportsto China, opening more markets for Americancompanies, and promoting Chineseinvestmentin the U。S。 We have significantly increased Chinesebusinessand tourism travel to the U。S。 by dramatically reducingwaittimes for a visa to 3-5 days from historical highs of 70-100 days。 And we haveadvancedAmerican values bymeetingwith religious leaders andhumanrights lawyers, and visitingTibetanandUighurethnic minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang。

  Finally, as I reflect on my tenure as Ambassador, I do so knowing that U。S。-China relationscontinueto grow stronger。 While our bilateral relationship is acomplexone, I remain confident in the ability of ourleaderstomanagedifferences and increase cooperation in areas of mutualconcernto thebenefitof not just our twogreatpeoples, but the entire world。







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