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中国祝贺日本成功申奥 美国网友评论震惊国人

论坛出处:  作者:  时间2013-09-13 12:11:49


  [A Yahoo! user] 0 0

  In the US, we just don't really care about this kind of thing because these projects cost money and most tax payers don't use mass transit。 It is short sighted on our part, and I'm really tired of hearing discussions that every project needs to show a net profit before they can be started。


  [A Yahoo! user] 0 0

  Or maybe no one wants to deal with another Olympics where athletes are subjects to toxic air。


中国祝贺日本成功申奥 美国网友评论震惊国人

  申奥成功后,日本首相和国际残奥会主席Philip Craven握手庆祝。

  [Peter] 9 11

  China still lives in the past。 Wars will never end if we think that way。 its constant retaliation。


  [Dennis] 1 1



  [Allen C] 2 2

  War will happen again if we don't learn from the history。 If the Japanese politicians continue to warship the war criminals, what can we expect? If japanese are sincere enough not to start the war again, then they must return the islands they stole from China and Korea。。。。


  [Aki-kun] 3 1

  Allen, Japanese politicians do not worship the war criminals。 They offer prayers at Yasukuni Shrine, a very large temple on whose grounds sit a small portion where soldiers' spirits are interred。 In that place, the spirits of the War Criminals are interred without fanfare or placed in a place of honor/reverence。 It stretches the imagination that China and Korea can't understand this。


  [A W H] 0 0

  @Aki-kun, if the Japanese interred War Criminals from the past beyond China or the rest of the Asian countries' imagination, what would a public acknowledgement hurt? There is no reason for the current Japanese politicians and the Japanese royals not to admit their past regime had done something terrible。 No one really expect the people in today's Japan will likely repeat the horrific things that their soldiers did in WWII。 But hiding the facts, as if it didn't happen at all is an act of dishonesty and condoning those evil behavior。 Why something happened in the past and its right or wrong can be debated, pretending something didn't happen at all is a straight up lie。





