[JD] 3 3
It shows reuters type of old news organization become more and more irrelevant when it comes to reporting on china。 Everytime I open anything from them they basically give you a lesson you should just skip them。
[Torredo] 2 3
If Japanese goes to the shrine, it's no body business。
[Spidey(蜘蛛侠)] 1 1
Good! Japan will try to make peace with China until 2020。
[HansS] 3 5
ure。 China congratulated Japan。 What's next。 Reuters becomes a real news organization。 Don't be P'ssed off just b/c China is now America's Daddy。
[Kamikaze Squad Leader(神风特攻队班长)] 2 1
[Alan] 3 1
Getting so sick and tired of Yahoo taking sides on the China-Japan dispute thing。 When reporting on the island dispute, Yahoo never mentions that BOTH mainland China and Taiwan (a democracy) claim the disputed island against Japan。 It always makes China look like the aggressor when in fact it is Japan who first arrested Chinese fishermen around the island and tried to dragged them through Japan's DOMESTIC court。 Because of media bias, few people here know that Japan put WWII war criminals into the shrine and worship them, and nearly none knows about the museum next to the shrine which presents WWII as the Japanese liberating Asia from Western powers。
Now you even want to use this Olympic thing to make China look bad again?
Yahoo, if you want to report, be objectiv在e。 If you can't, just shut up!