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印度嘲笑中国武器落后 竟然闹出了15个笑话

论坛出处:  作者:  时间2013-09-03 11:31:27


China and India

    by kuldeep jain (View MyPage) on Jan 29,  11:24 AM I was lucky enough to see China and whatever you say it will take lot of time to India to match its strength.

    Frinds if a country is supplying goods to whole WORLD then admit that it will have some thing which we dont have.

    we import telecom , milatry ships , space technology , aircraft from abroad but never try to make them our own but China has this vision. we as IT supoer power work in top most companies of world but did we made any google or microsoft? ( china has his own searh engine Baidu)

    and recently they launched their own GPS. they made their own aircraft, bullet train. we think that every one has go a mobile phone and that is progress but China is putting his name as top most telecom technoloy supplier.. we should learn from them this things..

    我有幸去了中国。不管怎么说,印度需要很长时间才能匹配中国实力。朋友们,如果一个国家为全世界供应产品,那就应该承认这个国家具备一些我们并不具备的。 我们从国外进口电信设备、军舰、太空技术、飞机,但我们从来不自己努力生产,中国则有这样的远见。我们作为IT大国,在世界顶级公司工作。但是我们有创造 自己的谷歌或者微软吗?(中国有自己的百度搜索引擎)他们最近推出了自己的GPS。他们自主生产了飞机、高铁。 每个人都有了一部手机,我们认为这是个进步。但是,中国正在成为顶级电信技术供应国。我们应该向他们学习这些东西。

    This is another problem with we indians

    by Sigma Refrigeration (View MyPage) on Jan 28,  12:07 PM We usually miscalculate many such things. India can be grouped with Pak, Bangla, Nepal , Srilanks, and the likes It does not make a group with China Considering the pace of growth parameters in India we are around 100 yrs behind what China is today. 我们通常算错了许多这样的事情。印度并不是和中国同一类的,应该和巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡等那样的国家归成一类。考虑到印度的发展速度,我 们今天大约落后中国100年。




