You are assuming the government representsthe people. Politicians only do what their masters want, regardless of howdetrimental it is to the majority of the people.
Bill 17 hours ago 3 10
A declaration of war was necessary untilthe Patriot Act, demanded congressional approval, now it is the soul decisionof the President who apparently seems to not give a da*n what the publicthinks. The people killed by this horrible weapon are dead, they are going tostill be dead in a month a year a century, I can't understand the rush? Assadif guilty, will be a criminal regardless, killing your own people is losing bywinning. How does any governing body survive without the labor and money of itssubjects. Tyrants are assassinated all through history by those they rule, whyare we getting involved?
Al B 17 hours ago 0 0
Watch "How Nations Die" on Ytube,if you wonder how we ever got to this point.
Bob L 17 hours ago 0 3
Hey, Scilynt...that'swhat they are supposed to do...it is called the "consent ofcongress"....but somehow, that law...like many others, are no longerfollowed....