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印媒称印度国旗都是中国制造 印度网民热议

论坛出处:西陆中国军事 作者:耕叟 时间:2011-09-28 00:04:21



Harryswami (Chennai)
19 Sep, 2011 10:43 AM
The whole world is 'Made in China'........ If you try tilting the earth down, you may find that sticker somewhere near Antarctica :)


Jignesh (India)
19 Sep, 2011 07:51 AM
Indian are born slave !!! It is in our blood to be ruled by others !!! First they were slaves of Muslims...then USA then of China !!!


Jignesh (India) replies to rajeevpandey100
19 Sep, 2011 08:41 AM
I don't feel shame calling India a poor and filthy country....because it is !! Everything in India is fithy..its people,road,products,polititican,its hindu religion(caste system),muslims...everything is full if sh*t...which need to be flush into toilet !!!


Pintoo (Thane) replies to Jignesh
19 Sep, 2011 10:31 AM
then, why bother if a fake indian flag is made in china? flush that as well. too emotional!


Kunal Mukherjee (Madurai) replies to Jignesh
19 Sep, 2011 10:20 AM
Hindu muslims and castes and trders are not the issue here. Issue is our DNA - which says we were slaves, we are slaves and we will be slaves. The problem is Indians were NEVER UNITED.


Trevor (Goa) replies to Jignesh
19 Sep, 2011 09:11 AM
You will go down the toilet yourself hahahahaha. Hope you will stand FIRST in line.


Sendil (Chennai)
19 Sep, 2011 09:41 AM
Well if it goes likes then in some point of time we may start speaking chinese without even our knowledge.


Shiv (Delhi) replies to Sendil
19 Sep, 2011 12:15 PM
Hi, we are speaking English only because we want to go abroad or get MNC jobs & plenty of money. Tomorrow we may change our stand.


Mushi (Doha Qatar) replies to Sendil
19 Sep, 2011 10:24 AM
For your information some of our neighbours already decleared Chinese as a Second Language compulsory. Why not we ? :)


Pintoo (Thane) replies to Sendil
19 Sep, 2011 10:17 AM
do americans speak chinese?


Kunal Mukherjee (Madurai) replies to Sendil
19 Sep, 2011 10:11 AM
Well we are indeed speaking in a foreign language, isn't it a matter of shame?



Saleem (Bangalore)
19 Sep, 2011 11:56 AM
When China can supply flags and cost Re 1 only. Why don't India provide flags at the same rate?


Shiv (Delhi) replies to Saleem
19 Sep, 2011 12:56 PM
We can't produce at same rate because our trade unions are so costly.


CDK(Whats in name) (Navi Mumbai) replies to Shiv
19 Sep, 2011 03:02 PM
and our Govt departments are busy in politicking.The state boards actually can take advantage of the situation as protests in india are rising by producing adequate flags from Khadi.The Khadi and Village Industries board which keeps on crying for "No demand" can actually turn into a profit making Institution thereby giving due and justifiable employment to villagers in village industtry.But there too, who cares.?
 Still, Jai hind and Let my country awake one day.


ajay (Gurgaon) replies to Shiv
19 Sep, 2011 01:32 PM
Also our govts various rules and regulations, clerances etc etc , and of course cariuos taxes.Highly discouraging for the small scale industry. Very Diassapointing. In the end budding entrepreneurs shift idea of setting up a manufacturing factory/plant to becoming a dealer/distributor for chinese items.


Manju (Bangalore)
19 Sep, 2011 11:52 AM
Instead of whining so much, why not change our attitude towards hardwork and money that will beat their products and make it a brand "BE INDIAN BUY INDIAN MADE IN INDIA"


UM (India) replies to Manju
19 Sep, 2011 12:11 PM
Manjuji I agree but look at our govt. policies and our country Chines finished goods comes is almost similer to raw material cost in India....our duties taxations....since our govt unable to manage the situation and having no vision our small scale industries faces lot of problem...our politicians are enjoying in loot scams....


Vj (m'sia)
19 Sep, 2011 09:00 AM
Banning Chinese goods will not eliminate the problem. It will create black market for those goods. Best option is to raise tariffs or import duty on Chinese goods. Meanwhile, try to improve local manufacturing base. Reduce prices for manufacturing equipment and domestic business will find their way to compete on global marketplace. If Intel can open high tech lab to design future microprocessors in Israel... which is highly risky location securitywise.. I'm sure India can do better. First, we should stop boasting about our ancestors achievements. Years from now.. if our future generation still have to point back to our forefathers in pointing to what was achieved..that's the biggest insult and shame in being an Indian.


Anthony (mumbai) replies to Vj
19 Sep, 2011 11:11 AM
Yes banning Chinese imports will not solve this economic problems. I am sure it will if government employment is on minimum salary and on hire and fire literally( in case of corruption don't waste bullet just rope would do no salary hike only facility should be free food and house ) and should be kicked out for any failure and loss coming from their action. All import houses thoroughly scanned and marked with properly transparency and export houses offered maximum facilities and speedy procedure to promote their goods our nation will compete with other countries in balancing our trade.


checker47 (Pakistan) replies to Vj
19 Sep, 2011 09:53 AM
Does not India do the same when accessing business from US, it promotes the cheapness of doing business in India compared to other destinations. What wrong if China gets this business by default.


Girish (Pune) replies to checker47
19 Sep, 2011 01:49 PM
No body said that what Chinese are doing is wrong. We are only trying to tell our people to do the hard work and be competitive. Unlike US who do not want to work and only provides arms & ammuniation to foolish jihadis.


Ram (USA)
19 Sep, 2011 08:10 AM
“MADE IN CHINA” –Indian national flag!!! Oh yes, check your politician/business persons with a sticker too “MADE IN CHINA”. Shame!!! What shame??? After all Chinese are India’s next masters. Jago…Jago…Jago…


GRAS (india) replies to Ram
19 Sep, 2011 08:45 AM


Nicole (Australia) replies to GRAS
19 Sep, 2011 10:47 AM
To Gras....Good idea you have! If India is governed by Chinese leaders, not only will they be less expensive, but also India will enjoy more production, less corruption!


Trevor (Goa) replies to GRAS
19 Sep, 2011 09:06 AM
And more honest.



hangman (india)
19 Sep, 2011 07:49 AM
Since WE can't do sh!t to China, the least we can do is give a warning to the people selling such flags and publicly HANG the people who imported these into India.


Iron (SE) replies to hangman
19 Sep, 2011 09:56 AM
Dude, there are murders, rapists, terrorists and all sort of criminals going scott free in India and you want to hang people for Importing Flags?? Really dude, you seem to have a hyper sense of nationalism :))


hangman (india) replies to Iron
19 Sep, 2011 02:33 PM
Thanks for your compliments. I really liked it. It is just that I have been out of work for far too long now (nobody to hang). I fear that I will lose my job if I don't get any new 'clients' soon. If I had it my way, I would be hanging all sorts of criminals in the streets myself (hey man.... I've got FIVE kids to feed)


rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) replies to hangman
19 Sep, 2011 08:28 AM
Why. Instead ask the greedy Indian businesses to make it more competitively & government to provide adequate supplies. Waving national flag has become fashionable these days on any issues, especially after a few carnival like movements


Badabing (USA)
19 Sep, 2011 06:45 AM
What's the big deal? Ol' Glory, Stars & Stripes & some of the American military uniforms (they are not cheap in quality, made to USA Mil Spec's) are all Made in China too & to make it politically correct, some labels say Made by China. I don't see the point but .... If an Indian wears Made in China clothing does it then make him less of a person? And if wears Made in USA or Italy or El Salvador or somewhere else, does it also make him more than what he really is? If pride is such a big deal with India, let's see what are the top 10 things you should focus on then? Instead of whining over some trivial issue get off your butts & get in action.


Sridhara (India) replies to Badabing
19 Sep, 2011 07:25 AM
I am sure I am speaking on behalf of many of my fellow Indians here. We are not talking about designer clothes or other apparels. Flag is the ultimate symbol of nationality. If you cannot respect that, atleast be indulgent to others' idea of that respect. The first of the 10 on the list is taking pride in being an Indian, for what our rich culture has and still continues to offer and its contributions in other walks of life. The second is to ensure that the country and everything it stands for does not fail under the influence of misguided people (Badabing included) who take it upon themselves to chide the notion of such loyalty to the country. If you address these two issues, the rest will fall in place! When you refer to Indians as "you", you are not obviously one of us who is proud to be an Indian or loyal to the country. It would serve better for you to stick to reading CNN or BBC where 9according to you) people don't whine that their GSS flags are made from another country.


Common sense (USA) replies to Badabing
19 Sep, 2011 07:11 AM
 Do you know what you are talking?
 You will know, when your employer say " I will close down the factory in USA, because I can manufacture cheaper and less quality product in China."
 The whole mess USA is going through right now, is because of "lack of Jobs".
 How come USA can generate jobs, if they don't have manufacturing..
 Remember USA cannot create Jobs by building the infrastructure projects for ever and that too by borrowing outside money.
 The real & Sustainable growth of a economy only comes through Private Manufacturing..
 Think before you talk.
 Do you know trade balance between India & China? India exports 10Billion dollars & China exports 100 Billion dollars worth of goods.
 Sorry for the Long comment though!!! No offence.


Badabing replies to Common sense
19 Sep, 2011 08:50 AM
None taken. Each country chooses her own path. My employer has MFG & OEM operations in China already. We have grown & expanded & employed more people over the years so the sentiment of "loosing jobs" to China or India does not chime with me. If Indians can get more for their dollar spent, it's not a bad thing. I've bought Made In somewhere else other than the USA goods forever, including those from India. I'm totally okay with that. Case & point, US multi-national companies must answer to their stockholders, be them American or otherwise & anyway to cut down on SG&A & improve profit margin for dividend payouts will always be top priority. China has fortified a very competitive Mfg & supply chain; if India can get off of that inflexible posture, I am sure you can improve upon that trade imbalance. Don't forget China is a huge market & Chinese love imports just as much as anyone else & she is moving up the food chain by design, someone is going to fill that void, why shouldn't it be India? You have a cheap labor force, use it aggressively. Money is money.



Raj (Mumbai)
19 Sep, 2011 03:51 AM
What is the Customs department doing? How can they let this consignment of Indian flags come from China? How much money they have take below the table to clear this shipment?


kakthom (Noida)
19 Sep, 2011 10:41 AM
Look who is complaining. When American complianed about outsouring, Indian were telling American, they don't want this job and they don't have resource and outsourcing is good for america, it saves money or frees money to do other investement. Same thing guys with manufacturing, China has taken over entire world manufacturing, don't just complain that China does low cost low quality product, China manufactures everthing from your underpant to your space shuttle. What India does? they just whine. You want to check the Indian product quality then just purchase utensile with handle and see how it stays on your stove, i d i o t Indian makes handle heavier than the pot weight.


Ibrahim Raza (Kashmir)
19 Sep, 2011 03:43 AM
UPA policy is killing domestic industries and encouraging smuggling.


Jignesh (India)
19 Sep, 2011 08:07 AM
What you expect from a country...where politicians are ready to sell his own mother/sister to others for money !!! Indians are born slaves !!!


coolhead (USA)
19 Sep, 2011 05:44 AM
You guys whine all the time, and politicize everything. Want to make stuff yourselves, just do it. It is economics, stupid.


19 Sep, 2011 06:55 AM
What a shameful thing to happen. People have to aware of these basics that MADE in INDIA should only be used as know to us that CHINESE goods are worst quality as they are rich in LEAD, made thru CHILD labour and have other irregularities. Boycott CHINESE goods always. This should be also the reminder to INDIAN manufacturers to develop more price concious produce and certainly make it affordable to common people. IT ALL STARTS WITH US AS THE PEOPLE OF INDIA TO " BE INDIAN AND BUY INDIAN" Shame on the traders who promote such cheap/ harmful product to fellow INDIANS. I truly hate the quick money making mindset of the traders and their agents. Let boycott such people. Support your vey own Indian business to flourish.


G.Simson (Tiruppattur)
19 Sep, 2011 06:31 AM
Chinese goods are flooded in Indian market, whether it is Super Marker or General Stores or roadside market. Chinese have already destroyed our Toy manufacturing base. They have almost wrecked our Plastic goods manufacturing base. They have captured entire market of BSNL for Broadband. All the Super Thermal Power Stations are to be supplied only by Chinese. India is going in US way where the Chinese have destroyed the entire manufacturing base of US taking away all the jobs from US. The unscruplous traders of India, for easy money, legally or illegally importing Chinese goods and flooding Indian market. Let us boycott anything Chinese to ensure young Indians get jobs with the preserved manufacturing base. I stopped buying anything Chinese


rockyji527 (Delhi)
19 Sep, 2011 05:41 AM
If India does not watch out, it will also become a slave to China as rest of the world is realizing. With sweat shop cheap labor China has the potential to disrupt all of India's cottage industries.


Arun (india)
19 Sep, 2011 04:23 AM
Congress Gov started selling india to china, this is initial stage. Keep watching guys.


Rugved (London, UK)
19 Sep, 2011 05:48 PM
There's nothing surprising as far as this piece of news is concerned because it's the government who is to be blamed as they have already sold the nation to foreign invaders. Soon they'll sell Arunachal Pradesh to China and Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan as well.


Roy Saikat (Dubai)
19 Sep, 2011 01:37 PM
In last 64 years, India witnessed which political party has gone to what extend to protect their chairs as a ruller - All blamed RSS and others as communal, played devide & rules for minority votes, did every effort to make people busy to think on religious issues, hate each other and think people are safe because of them - but Never PROTECT public wealth (made blackmoney - now 99% of netas are crorepatis) or NEVER DID good for GROWTH of NATION.. CHINA got freedom after 2 years of ours - How CHINA is only 2nd superpower after USA now !!! Because their leader love their counrty our leader (whether Cong or BJP or Else) love only their weath...and know how to cheat people !!! """" WE NEED TO CHANGE ENTIRE SYSTEM SLOWLY - ELSE ONE DAY WILL COME WE will be SOCALLED DEVELOPED BUT Majority of Peoples condition will be poor than people of Bangladesh or Napal """""" !!!!!

在过去的64年里,印度见证了我们的政党为了保住他们的统治宝座究竟做到何种地步。他们指责英国皇家学会和其他为了少数选票服务,使出浑身解数让人民忙于应付宗教问题,互相厌恶,认为人民因为他们得到安全,但是他么从来不保护公共财富,赚黑钱(99%的netas是crorepatis不知道啥意思。请高人指点)从来都没有为这个国家的发展做过好事。中国还落后我们两年才重获自由,但如今却已成为仅次于美国的超级大国!!!因为他们的领导人爱他们的国家,而我们的领导人(无论是国民大会党和人民党或者其他)都只爱他们的财富……只懂得怎样欺骗人民!!!我们需要慢慢地改变所有的体制。。否则终有一天我们会成为所谓的“发达”国家——这个国家的绝大多数人比孟加拉或者尼泊尔的人还要穷!!!(译文来自龙腾网 翻译:陌上花开)

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