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国外网民讨论 中国强盛时怎么没有扩张殖民

论坛出处:西陆中国军事 作者:耕叟 时间:2011-09-26 01:51:08
0、Krystian (英国)
Throughout most of history up until the17th or even 18th century the far East and especially the countries thatexisted in place of modern day Chinawere more developed or at least more organized, large as a population and hadadvanced naval technologies. Why didn't in that case they expand in anydirection? Why didn't they colonize the lands to the north for example, thatthe russians had to cross whole of Asia toreach? Why didn't they move in direction of Australiaand New Zealand or America? Theydid fight between each other and therefore surely would benefit from expansionand colonial possessions, so why didn't they do that? And my second question is- even if they didn't really need to expand, why weren't there at least privateadventurers that would venture into the unknown just out of curiosity or glorylike so many Europeans? Why didn't they care what lay beyond the ocean to theeast?
1、gaius valerius (比利时)
Why would they? They had no real reasonsand also no real motivation. Modern Day China is also roughly the same as past China. China did sendthe expeditions of Zheng He but finally lost interest in such endeavors. Whywouldn't they? They had no need to open up to the world, they had everythingthey wanted right there in what they considered the centre of the world. Andthere was largescale migration of Chinese as well mind you, but that was inSE-Asia, mind you again, that's a big region all the same. Unlike in Europe, Asia lacked those incentives that drove men to venturefar and wide. They did travel far and wide in Asia,illegally but that could hardly be stopped. Private ventures to sail across theocean are also something that would require a lot of preparation and wouldhardly go unnoticed.
2、bartieboy (荷兰)
there was nothing to get in the north, theydid raid vietnamevery now and then, and ehm... I gues an important factor was also that theysaw anyone who wasnt from Chinaas a barbarian and a bit like we see the chimpansee
3、Zeno (比利时)
Because of the earth's rotation. Theprevailing winds blow east to west.
The Chinese went as far west as the eastcoast of Africa under Zheng He and thetreasure fleet 1413-1430.
4、gaius valerius (比利时)
The Manila Fleet could do it couldn't they?So that's no sufficient explanation. If they really wanted it they should'vegone copy pasta with the Europeans.
5、Milgod (英国)
I have always thought about why the Chinesedidn't decide to colonize/conquer. They certainly were advanced enough and hadthe manpower. As somebody else said though, they saw Europeans as lower thanthem, so why bother even talking with them if they didn't have to.
6、Krystian (英国)
If there was nothing to gain in the norththan why did the russians bother so much crossing that huge space to colonizethose territories? Weren't there natural resources such as iron, gold andbronze that were also valuable in China? And doesn't seeing the otherpeople as barbarians or chimpanzees actually encourage someone to expand,thinking it will be easy subjugating them and taking their land/resources likethe Europeans taught and eventually did with the native Americans and Africans?
7、Zeno (比利时)
Asians did expand, all across theIndonesian, Micronesian, Melanesian and Polynesian islands.They went to Americaearlier than any European did.
8、infavilla (美国)
Well the voyages of Zheng He were primarilyaimed at contacting and squeezing tribute from new client kingdoms whileestablishing diplomatic connections; they weren't colonial in the same waylater European voyages were. Chinahad done fine for thousands of years as a relatively monolithic culture and hada quite simple way of gaining tribute. Early Han Chinese had conquered othergroups' land and had semi-colonial relations with parts of SE Asia, but therewas no real reason for Chinese to move as radically as we see in Europe. I'm not particularly familiar with the Chinesepolitical environment at the time of European colonization, but I would guessthere was not enough turmoil to warrant minority groups to want to settle inother lands similar to the religious minorities of Europe.
Europe's position was quite unique in thatit was divided into many nation states that were in competition with each otherand Europe's resources were quite bland. Inthe interests of trading for foreign goods, Europeans' colonization of theAmericas was important because the physical land of Europe didn't bring forthmany things that Indians or Chinese would really want to trade for, plus afterthe fall of Constantinople, Christendom's trading interests began to favor totake to the sea anyway.
Really the European circumstances wereunique. Political structures don't necessarily need to expand at all costs, butthe need to branch out in trade and turmoil after the reformation in Europegave European powers powerful incentives to set up subsidiary territories inthe Americas.
9、plutoboyz (印尼)
Asian did colonize Australia.specifically Makassarese from Gowa Kingdom. they colonizenorthern Australiafor sea cucumber. The Javanese also often raid northern Australian coast forslave. also don't forget that the Mongols were Asian too. and they did expand.
10、scholar (美国)
I'm sorry, but the Asians did expand andcolonize. This is plainly available for all to see. The Ming and Qing Dynastyexpanded their borders and essentially colonized everything around them, whatthey didn't colonize fell under the tribute system. Taiwanwas never part of Chinaproper until the Ming remnants took over the Islandand later the Manchurian Qing fully incorporated it. The Japanese when from thecore Islands to taking over Ryukyu or Okinawa, much of Hokkaido remained under the grasp of theAinu, this changed radically following the coming centuries. Sakhalin and otherIslands joined with the Japanese, and if we include the late nineteenth centuryFormosa, Korea,Liaodong, and other territories. Then there is Siam and the Burmese. They definitelyexpanded and colonized, it's just that they did theirs on a local level insteadof a global one.
11、Qymaen (美国)
There is a big difference betweencolonizing and conquering.
12、Bismarck (新西兰)
Why would they? They had no real reasonsand also no real motivation. ...
As an explanation for the lack of Asiancolonial expansion in the last 500 years I don't think this is sufficient.After all, we have got no real need to go to the moon, and yet we went there.It has more to do with technology and opportunity than it has to do with anyinnate desire to conquer and expand. Plenty of individual Chinese made the tripto Indonesia, South Asia andIndia;so the motivation was not lacking. What was lacking was a state-sponsoredeffort. And the reasons for that are complex and varied. At the heart of it, Isuspect, was technology: the Europeans had better ocean-going vessels andbetter navigation systems.
13、scholar (美国)
There was a great deal of Asian colonialismin the last 500 years Bismark. They may not have ventured to far flungcontinents... except for the Ming, but there was massive expansions and a greatdeal of colonization inside the last 500 years of history. Look at an atlas andturn the page. These wars were not akin to Europe,but more so to the American-Mexican war. Sure, it was warfare. Sure, it wasexpansion. But anyone who denies that Americans colonized the new territory isdenying reality itself. These wars were often massive and bloody leaving entirevillages and cities depopulated. Now from the relatively small amount ofwarfare and completely and total expansion with China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam,and a few others with each other from the Ming to the time when the Qing wasrendered irrelevant as a Hegemony by the European Powers, was because of thetributary vassal system of East Asia. The Entire east was under the Qing'sflag. One dominant nation over smaller ones who paid tribute and kept theirheads down. Even Japanwas not totally free of things. This is why there was only two wars between thefour named nations from the establishment of Ming as a dominant power till thefall of Qing by the West, and those were with Vietnam-China andJapan-Korea/China. Five hundred years of relative peace... internationally.Japan was normally too disorganized to do anything until Edo showed up, buteven then they never willingly and openly opposed China. It is a very peculiarsystem and there is a very good book about it called East Asia Before The West:Five Centuries of Trade and Tribute.
14、Narses (加拿大)
No need, No wants = No action
15、Krystian (英国)
Scholar, all you mention is large-scalecolonization/conquest of nearby territories that were well known to thechinese. What i am also asking is why weren't there no explorers andadventurers from the far east that would simply try to find out more about theworld for no good reason, conquest or trade like the massive fleet in the 15thcentury for example. Europeans thought of the far east even worse things thanthat some barbarians lived there - in the middle ages they thought beasts,monsters and mythical creatures lurked in those parts of the world and yetwe've got people like Marco Polo venturing forth simply out of curiosity. We'vegot people like Magellan and Cook sailing just to prove a point or to be thefirst in something. So why weren't there any east asians with such passions forexploration of the unknown who would reach the far corners of the world?
16、scholar (美国)
I'm sorry, but that's just wrong. So verywrong. They were not Chinese then, they are only viewed to be Chinese now. It'ssomething like saying there was no British colonization of the Anglosphere, forthose territories are well known to already be in the Anglosphere. Chinawas not static. It did not proof into existence. The borders that it has todayare the product of five thousand years of history, they were not always there,nor will they be.
Actually there are a great deal of Chineseexplorers trying to find out about the world, for instance in the Han, Tang,and others. The reason why Zheng He is the only one anyone cares about isbecause of the incredibly inflated size of his ship and the possibilities itpresented. We have a man who went from Han China to the outskirts of Rome just to discover,just to see where things are in the world. His name was Gan Ying. He predatedthe west by millennium. He was sent by a general named Ban Chao to discover andcatalog the world to the west. He was the one who essentially coined Rome as Daqin to theChinese. Further there are a great many other individuals, many of them arelost to time or recorded only in Chinese texts. It is plainly ignorant to saythat there was no explorers from China. That post you made...probably should be edited. It sounds like you are making the Chinese into foolswhen the Chinese were in fact the most advanced people on the planet at thetime.
17、Bismarck (新西兰)
That post you made... probably should beedited. It sounds like you are making the Chinese into fools when the Chinesewere in fact the most advanced people on the planet at the time.
That's the whole crux of the question. Whydid Europeans explode across the world in 1492 and not the Chinese if, as yousay, they were the most advanced civilisation in the world?
18、scholar (美国)
Well that's actually a rather simplequestion that has a rather plain answer, but get's complicated by how muchinfluence each variable holds over the answer. So here's a complex, yet plain answerthat comes down to ten points:
1) The Ming destroyed it's treasure fleetand turned inwards due to corruption. This is one of the factors leadingtowards the decline of Ming's projection of power. Without a fleet capable ofexerting naval dominance over the Pacific it became a river and coastal fleetthat never really ventured very far.
2) The Chinese government had no realenemies in solidified states. It's only rivals were the steppe and Manchurianpeoples. This lead to a stagnation of the state. In it's history it only foughttwo wars with actual states. Vietnamand Japan.Vietnam was briefly occupiedand Koreawas defended from a Japanese invasion. This stagnation of military conflictslead to a further stagnation of military adaption of said technology. When youare a hegemony of a corrupt empire that knows of no real threat you don't seethe need to even keep current with the contemporary military technology. Infact, it reverted in many areas.
3) The Ming suffered massive famine,rebellion, and poor management of the Empire. This lead to massive rebellionsthat literally tore the state apart inviting the relatively minor threats tocome in.
4) The Ming, stagnate, corrupt, and facingmassive rebellions had no army to go up against the Manchurians, who came downinto Chinaand quickly swept the corrupt state away. There were remnants that stuckaround, but in the end Chinafell to the Manchurians and they lead the Qing Dynasty.
5) The Manchurians did not propel the stateforward. Instead, it merely conquered all the threats. The Mongols, Tannu Tuva,Central Asia, etc. They were all conquered.After that, there was peace. No wars to move things forward, no increase intechnology. In fact, things further reverted.
6) The Qing became corrupt. It did not faceMing like rebellions yet, but it would in time.
7) When The Qing came into contact with theWest they did not accept their advances. In fact, they did not accept them atall. They had no need for western goods, nor did they want it. They were"inwardly perfect" as some scholars have called it. The Qing wereshrewd enough sap tonnes of silver from the foreign powers. While this wouldseem good, it wasn't really. It lead to hyper inflation and made the Qing turnto copper coins instead, but damage had been done. The only thing the Qing gotfrom the West was wealth, and they got so much of it that their economycollapsed.
8) They refused to treat other Empires asequals. For their entire history the Qing ruled as a hegemon. It did notrecognize the idea of there being other Empires which could rival it. Theyclung blindly to that ideal.
9) Conservatism. The curse that destroyedthe Ottomans also destroyed the Qing and Ming. Military advances are all welland good but what about other advances? medicine, culture, etc.? Surely theremust have been something? Not really.
Conservatives literally blocked alladvancements. Want to go discover the world? No. That's frivolous. You shouldbe full of filial piety. You should not want for anything for luxury, only fora simple life. You must do your duty for your state, your father, your elderbrother, your mother, and your master. Then you die. I won't say this was whatcaused the downfall of China,because it also caused it's rise, but it was definitely a factor.
10) The Idea of China itself. China was themiddle Kingdom. The center of all things. There was the Emperor. The subjects.Foreign, subservient, vassal kingdoms, and then barbarian hordes. That was allthere was. This was the concept of Tianxia, or all under heaven. China couldhave expanded, could have had wars, could have accelerated into the world, butinstead it was content at being at the center. It was content with vassalsthrowing gold and concubines at the Emperor's feet. In the end this was theprimary reason for China'sfall. There were other powers equal or greater to China. Now odds are, if it was ableto control the entirety of Asia and bits ofthe world through colonization it could still be a hegemon of the world, butthat's all unknown. The British Empire, The Spanish, the Dutch, The Russians,they could all rival and even beat back China. Their refusal to adapt orremove this concept ultimately lead to their decline into ruin. They bouncedback, notably through actions taken by Japanand America,but their world was completely shattered by then. The new China is not the China that was made all thosecenturies ago.
1、 明朝摧毁了自己的宝船队,转而对内搜刮盘剥。这是导致明朝投送力量下滑的原因之一。舰队失去了支配太平洋的能力,变成了内河或者近海舰队,大门不出二门不迈。
2、 除了蒙古人和满族人,没有国家能对中国造成威胁。如此一来,国家停滞不前。有明一代,只同两个国家发生过战争,越南和日本。越南曾被短暂地占领,而朝鲜是为了抵抗日本的侵略。军事冲突的停滞又进一步导致了军事技术的停滞。当一个堕落的帝国身处霸主地位,而又没有真正的威胁,就会觉得维持同时代水准的军事技术没有必要。
3、 明帝国遭到了大规模饥荒和叛乱,国家陷入瘫痪。大规模的叛乱让整个帝国分崩离析,并将少数民族政权引了进来。
4、 明朝不思进取、日益衰颓,为了应付大规模的叛乱没有足够的军队来抵抗满人,他们迅速荡平四海,并止住了中国下滑的颓势。虽然残余势力还在苦苦挣扎,但中国最终还是落入了满人的手里,草创了大清。
5、 满人没有带领国家继续前进,仅仅消除了蒙古、唐努乌梁海(原清朝领土,后被割让,现属外蒙西北部)、中亚等所有威胁。这些国家俯首称臣。自此一直和平相处。没有了战争的刺激,技术也停滞不前了。事实上,甚至开始返祖。
6、 清朝逐渐开始走下坡路了。虽然没有明朝的诸多叛乱,但帝国的崩溃只是时间问题了。
7、 当清政府开始与西方打交道时,排斥他们的先进事物。事实上,他们油盐不进。他们不需要西方的商品,需要的(西方)没有。学者们说这是一个‘自给自足’的社会。清朝人精于算计,与外国贸易只进不出。看起来很美妙,其实不尽然。清政府想通过铸造钱币来抑制通货膨胀使,然而灾难已经酿成。清朝从西方唯一获得的就是财富,大量的财富使得他们的经济崩溃。
8、 他们拒绝与其他国家平起平坐。有清一代,他们都以天朝上国自居。他们认为寰宇之内,无人与之争锋。这种思想根深蒂固。
9、 保守主义。摧毁了奥斯曼帝国的祸源同样摧毁了明清两代。军事发展还算差强人意,其他方面又如何呢?医学、文化等等?可能有过一些发展吗?不一定。保守派完全阻滞了进步。想要去探索世界?不可以,这是违反伦常的。你应该做一个孝子。你应该无欲无求,过着简单的生活。你必须对你的国家、你的父亲、你的兄长、你的母亲和你的上级承担义务,直到死去。我不想说这就是中国覆亡的原因,他们同样因此崛起,但最起码这是其中的一个原因。
19、Bismarck (新西兰)
The new Chinais not the Chinathat was made all those centuries ago.
Very impressive post, scholar. Those areall good and valid points you make. However, I do have one question: did theQing dynasty have no significant internal enemies?
20、scholar (美国)
The Chinese themselves, the Manchurianswere outnumbered 30:1 and were fully assimilated into the Chinese culture bythe time the Qing was dismantled. Manchurian went extinct as a language in the1990s, but someone claimed to have been a speaker and it's gotten somepreservation notice now. Because of this the Manchurian essentially treated theHan Chinese as a lower caste to try to keep themselves separate. It was a vainand futile attempt and while there were dreams of the Han ethnicity removingthe Qing and forming a Chinese Dynasty, the very concept of Tianxia allowed forthe mandate of heaven to be held by a foreigner. It was more so the corruptionthat brought them down, and conservatism, along with Tianxia itself, ratherthan the fact that they were a minority that was rapidly losing the ability todistinguish itself between the people they were ruling. It's called sinocizing,and they are not the only ones. Many Mongolians, Most Jurchens, the Xiongnu,etc. all essentially became Chinese and lost their ability to distinguishthemselves from the people they ruled. It's a very popular topic among scholarsof East Asia.
21、RollingWave (台湾)
I don't dispute with the general reasoning,but some technical details are worth considering. I don't have much time rightnow so I'll just note two point first.
1) The Ming destroyed it's treasure fleetand turned inwards due to corruption. This is one of the factors leadingtowards the decline of Ming's projection of power. Without a fleet capable ofexerting naval dominance over the Pacific it became a river and coastal fleetthat never really ventured very far.
1、 明朝摧毁了自己的宝船队,转而对内搜刮盘剥。这是导致明朝投送力量下滑的原因之一。舰队失去了支配太平洋的能力,变成了内河或者近海舰队,大门不出二门不迈。(引用)
There was also the issue of realistic cost,the way the Ming went about with it's expedition was clearly not a profitableenterprise, where as the Western exploration were obviously mostly drived on byeconomic factor, the same factor also played a role in the Ming NOT continuingsuch endeavors.
2) The Chinese government had no realenemies in solidified states. It's only rivals were the steppe and Manchurianpeoples. This lead to a stagnation of the state. In it's history it only foughttwo wars with actual states. Vietnamand Japan.Vietnam was briefly occupiedand Koreawas defended from a Japanese invasion. This stagnation of military conflictslead to a further stagnation of military adaption of said technology. When youare a hegemony of a corrupt empire that knows of no real threat you don't seethe need to even keep current with the contemporary military technology. Infact, it reverted in many areas.
2、 除了蒙古人和满族人,没有国家能对中国造成威胁。如此一来,国家停滞不前。有明一代,只同两个国家发生过战争,越南和日本。越南曾被短暂地占领,而朝鲜是为了抵抗日本的侵略。军事冲突的停滞又进一步导致了军事技术的停滞。当一个堕落的帝国身处霸主地位,而又没有真正的威胁,就会觉得维持同时代水准的军事技术没有必要。
You mean in the MING's entire history, yourwording makes it sound kinda like the entire chinese history.
I would also raise up a different problem,the TYPE of enemy they were facing, the NATURE of warfare they were conductingwas vasting different, the Chinese quickly adopted some western weapons butdidn't adopt others during the Ming, for example the Portugese fast reloading SwivelCannon was quickly adopted and became a staple of the Ming both on land andsea. but the Arquebus did not become widely adopted despite some occasionaluse. The Dutch heavy cannons were again quickly adopted and widely used in theearly to mid 17th century but it's developement stalled after that.
There are perfectly good reasons for theseif you just look at who and what China was fighting against duringthis period.
In essence. Chinese armies during the Mingfaced the prospect of fighting light guerrilla warfares against enemies ontheir native terrain (be they pirates on the coasts. mountain tribesmen insouth western mountains or nomads on the steppes). Where as the primary prospectfaced by the same era European armies were similar large mix armies in largecampaigns and more importantly sieging heavily fortified castles and laterfortress.
The nature of these warfare are obviouslydifferent, one easy example is how the weapon development of the US armies overthe last decade have made a dramatic shift away from the previous decades... isit because of technological advance? only partly, the bigger part is the shiftin nature of war from the cold war to wars more like that of Afganistan, whichrequires different types of weapons.
Thus the Chinese (and also Turks)development (or even lack there of) on gunpowder weapon when put into thiscontext makes much more sense, the enemies they were facing simply isn'tsuitable for the general developing trend of the early gunpowder weapons. thatswhy you see most weapons Chinese developed, and those they adopted , mostlyfell onto the same catagory, they were light, mobile and anti personaloriented. it fits perfectlly with the general logic of their need, but itdoesn't really push the technological frontier. (much like the Predator Dronesisn't exactly pushing the unknowns of technology . it justs uses existing oncessomewhat differently.)
22、scholar (美国)
There was also the issue of realistic cost,the way the Ming went about with it's expedition was clearly not a profitableenterprise, where as the Western exploration were obviously mostly drived on byeconomic factor, the same factor also played a role in the Ming NOT continuingsuch endevors.
Of course. Pouring silver into anenterprise that really only gives you prestige doesn't do the nation much good,especially since it has it's own economic instability. But it is impossible todeny that the Ming didn't simply stop investing, they burned it all. Eradicatedit. They swept it all away when a New Emperor came to the throne, and it'simportant to note that this crippled the Ming's capacity to project it's poweracross the seas. Sure it still had a coastal fleet, but you don't travel todistant countries, even Indonesia,on Coastal Fleets.
I would also raise up a different problem,the TYPE of enemy they were facing, the NATURE of warfare they were conductingwas vasting different, the Chinese quickly adopted some western weapons butdidn't adopt others during the Ming, for example the Portugese fast reloadingSwirval Cannon was quickly adopted and became a staple of the Ming both on landand sea. but the Arquebus did not become widely adopted dispite some occasionaluse. The Dutch heavy cannons were again quickly adopted and widely used in theearly to mid 17th century but it's developement stalled after that.
But it's really important to note thatwhile the Ming tried to adopt weaponry of the west while it was failing, it waspretty much dead and gone by the time it was ready for significant use. TheMing became too corrupt, too disorganized, and was pretty much doomed. It'simportant to note my ten reasons are reasons for why either Ming or Qing neverrose to the top. Their attempts near their fall is irrelevant and so areisolated incidents of adopted use. Mid 17th century was around the 1650s, yes?By then the Ming was far gone. Hell, by the thirties I would say the Ming wasalmost beyond repair. As for the Portuguese cannons I would say they their onlysignificant usage was against themselves and against Japanese raiders.
23、blacksmit049 (菲律宾)
Why would they? They had no real reasonsand also no real motivation. Modern Day China is also roughly the same as past China. China did sendthe expeditions of Zheng He but finally lost interest in such endeavours. Whywouldn't they? They had no need to open up to the world, they had everythingthey wanted right there in what they considered the centre of the world. Andthere was largescale migration of Chinese as well mind you, but that was inSE-Asia, mind you again, that's a big region all the same. Unlike in Europe, Asia lacked those incentives that drove men to venturefar and wide. They did travel far and wide in Asia,illegally but that could hardly be stopped. Private ventures to sail across theocean are also something that would require a lot of preparation and wouldhardly go unnoticed.
I wholeheartedly agree. Europeis a small place for many powers. Portugaland Spain being leaders ofthe first voyages across the Atlantic felt that the Iberian Peninsula is toosmall for them, but they didn't want to go to Africabecause of Muslim inhabitants and the region is not rich in gold or anything ofimportance. They explore the unknown regions, which takes courage because ofthe need of expansion and the growing competition. Asia is too big for China and India to explore more, they justhad enough. Situations affects the actions.
24、scholar (美国)
There were five main colonizers. Spain, Portugal,England, France, and the Dutch. The Dutchjoined relatively late. Spainand Portugal's"colonialism" was born originally out of the intent to find a passageby way of water to China.Granted they had no idea where Chinawas, but they wanted to go and find it. The Ottomans and the Venetians beforethem had their monopoly over the influx of Asian goods, the Spanish andPortuguese wanted to break it. Their coming to the New World was mostly an accident, but once the Spanish knew of theriches there they were quick to conquer and colonize the place. Portugal later had claims on Brazil. Withthem conquering everything in sight, Englandand Francestarted their own endeavors. Englandbecame the most successful. Francecould math neither's success. The Dutch's scope was much more limited in the Americas, sothey focused on the East instead.
The whole colonial era, the Americas, everything was brought on by a questto make it to China.When they realized the Americashad wealth of their own, they wanted it for themselves. It also became aconvenient place to get rid of people you didn't like. Australia was apenal colony. New Zealandwas claimed simply because the English were scarred someone else would take it.South Africa was basically ahalfway station to India.
Now your remarks about Africaare pretty much wrong. It's a hotly debated subject on Spain's ambition towards Africa.Many in Spainwanted to conquer the Muslim world in a Crusade. Yes, the Crusades died off,but it was regaining popularity. The discovery of the New World gave Spainan outlet for it's religious zealotry, because they didn't conquer them. Theyconverted them. It was a crusade, motivated mostly for riches and gold, but acrusade against the heathen pagans.
Now the reason why Africawasn't conquered is two-fold. First, Northern Africa.Morocco, the Algiers, and later theOttomans were all firmly established and very strong nations that could notonly rival European countries, but did so in many respects. Ever hear of theBarbary Pirates? Anyways, the strength and centralization of Africa rivaledthat of Europe until... well, about the 17thcentury, there they struggled to keep up. By the time Africawas actually on the menu, they were far enough behind to be mostly irrelevant.The fact that they were Muslim made them more appetizing to conquer, not less.They were Catholics in a time when Catholicism was basically EuropeanGovernment. Even then, however, Moroccoremained a heavily independent nation that could only have been brought underFrench and Spanish control when the nation was having succession troubles. Imean, Morocco was the firstnation to actually recognize the United States as a nation.
The other reason is that Africais a pit of diseases, harsh climates, and to put it frankly, few great civilizations.Yes, there were the immediate Sub Saharan nations such as Songhai and Mali. There wasthe Kongo. The Shona. Ethiopia.For centuries most people who went deep into Africa who came from Europe never left alive. Malaria and other diseaseskilled them all. It was not because there was no wealth to be had, heck no.There was tremendous amounts of Gold, Silver, and Diamonds. They were just...slightly beyond reach. And even then colonization of African coasts continuedthroughout the entire colonial period. Once vaccines and the steam engine wereinvented Africa could be carved up by Europeans, otherwise Africawas a house of three. The Europeans who ruled by the immediate coast, themestizos who were intermediaries and had resistance to the plagues, diseases,and harsh climate, and the Africans themselves. Read up on the Portuguese takeover of Shona and the Kongo, and these were crusades themselves.
Asia was never too big for China,they just never left their tributary system, which kept them hemmed in, whilethe steppe peoples kept them from further expanding to the north or west exceptfor three occasions. Han, Tang, and Qing. And when you read up on theiradvances and discoveries in the world, it's something that inspires some awe.It's rather sad most of Han and Tang records are destroyed or incomplete. Thatjust leaves the Qing and educated speculation on the previous two.
India was never India.China a dozen Dynasties thatunified the country, however Indialacked this. There were a few kingdoms that did manage to conquer most of India but they never lasted even half as long asmost of China's.The only one that was one that conquered most of India was the Mughals in the lastthousand years. Others may have claimed half. India was a nation constantly atwar with it's neighbors. And Indiais not culturally and ethnically uniform like China, it's diverse with manydifferent ethnic and lingual groups meshed into the state. Persia, theCaliphate, and later the Mongols hemmed in the sub continent. That said, theIndian culture spread a great deal. While it was hemmed in on land, it traveledto the Swahili in Africa, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, Madagascar, Indonesia,China.They were great explorers that navigated where they could. You may even argue thatthey colonized Indonesiaand other regions because of their spreading of Hinduism there. So it's importantto take that into account.
What I mean to say is early colonizationwasn't what it appeared to be. It was adapting to circumstance. Africa was protected by disease and it's own environment.The Americashad very inviting spots for the Europeans to come in and take, especially sincethey just had to conquer it from plague ridden nations that were dying off justbecause you coughed with the superior weaponry at your disposal.
25、Naomasa298 (英国)
If the question is, why didn't Asiancountries found overseas colonies in the 17th and 19th centuries in the waythat European countries did, I'll speak for Japan.
Japanese isolationism was the main factorhere, an isolationism prompted by the fear of foreign influence destabilizingthe regime. The Tokugawa shogunate arose after over a century of civil war.During the last campaigns to unify the country, one of the factors in choosing sideswas religion - the Christian daimyo, by and large, opposed the Tokugawa. Oncethe country was unified, the fear of Christianity becoming a destabilizinginfluence grew, and it was gradually banned. The last great uprising, theShimabara Rebellion in 1637, was a Christian-led one.
Out of fear of western Christian influence,the government closed the country, prohibiting foreigners from entering andJapanese from leaving. There was strictly limited and controlled tradingcontact with the Dutch, Chinese and Koreans. Japanese adventurers still madetheir way across Asia, but these were largelyindividual efforts. Some disenfranchised samurai, especially Christian ones,found themselves in places like the Philippinesand Siam.
However, all this obviously led to a totallack of exploration and expansion. There were also strict rules on the size ofships that could be built, for fear of a challenge to the Shogunate's power.
26、Thessalonian (希腊)
Asians tried to expand but they did notaccomplish a lot. The Mongols did not last for too long in Europe, althoughTurkish tribes from Asian steppes did conquer all their way to modern Turkey. America and Australia were overwhelmed andpopulated by Britons, Spaniards and Portuguese mostly. Africa was dominated byEuropeans but its population was never replaced by Europeans, like America and Australia which are mostlyEuropean, now.... The question is why, of course.
The answer could be lack of ambition orplan to dominate the world.
27、scholar (美国)
If we compare Mongol Colonialism with thelate 19th century colonization of Africa youwill find that Mongol Colonialism was more successful, longer lasting, andfarther reaching.
28、Thessalonian (希腊)
Mongols did retreat. They did not stay inEurope, unlike the Brits did in South  Africa....
29、scholar (美国)
No. They withdrew from deep into Europe, but they existed in what we call European Russiafor centuries. The Crimean Khanate was one of the most powerful nations inEastern Europe and when it joined with the Ottomans in a similar relationshiplike the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth forcenturies. The Giray were very prominent and even more powerful than Russia which was immediately north of them untilMuscovy reformed itself and went on aneradication/conquering spree.
The Golden Horde, one of the Four MongolEmpires after the fragmentation. It survived for centuries.
And the Crimean Khanate which lasted till1783, after the United  States was independent. Before though,before it was glorious, in many ways. The Giray were descendants of GenghisKhan.
Africa was colonized for about 60-80 yearsas a whole ruled from Europe barring some minor outposts and some significantcolonies in suitable places like South Africa. But on a whole,colonialism for the entire continent lasted only so long. Mongolian colonialrule lasted far longer and had farther effects.
30、Thessalonian (希腊)
When I said Europe, I excluded Russia which is vast and politically it is notreally part of Europe.
31、scholar (美国)
Romania? Moldova? Definepolitically part of Europe. I'm interested inhearing this. For centuries all Germans were married to Russians in terms ofnobility and royalty if they weren't marrying each other. This was a majorfactor in Russiaturning away from modernization in the 19th century because they wanted to getrid of German influence. Scandinavia was isolated from Europemostly in terms of politics and pretty much everything. Russia was very much a part of Central andEastern Europe while Scandinavia was nothingimportant. Is Scandinavia? If you say yes,then what you just said is absurd. If you say no, then I can appreciate that.Europe is only France, Germany, Iberia,Italy, and England. Maybe Greece, but Idoubt it.I said Mongolian Colonialism. That meansfrom one little tribe among dozens to ruler of most of a continent andcontinued to hold it for centuries in comparison to less than a century oftotal rule in Africa. Pointing towards a withdraw from Europedue to the death of the Mongol Khagan isn't a failure in colonization, butpolitics. All the areas occupied were vassal states for centuries. Yourpointing to a strategic political withdrawal by an important general who neededto go to the Mongol Capital means nothing towards the impact of MongolianColonialism. I apologize if I come off as a bit confrontational, but it seemslike your not actually addressing the thing I said.
32、Thessalonian (希腊)
Romania and Moldova arenot part of Russia.Russia extends to Vladivostok, and it ismostly an Asian country, despite having European DNA in it! Europe extends fromPortugal to Greece and from Irelandto the borders of Finland,in purely political terms. Scandinavia has borders with Germany (via Denmark)and it has always been a part of Europe withtheir Viking expansions to the rest of Europe etc. The Mongol presence in Europe lasted for few decades only.
(原帖网址译文来自龙腾网 翻译:病中乃知)
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