enriquecost wrote: Sep 9th 2011 3:53 GMT
It is not accurate. In the last special report of "The Economist" about China this year, the magazine ONLY used NOMINAL prices, not prices at PPP (Purchasing Power Parity). At nominal (market) prices China′s economy in 2010 was just a little over Japan′s, about $5.5 Tr., almost 1/3 of the U.S., with a very low income per head of just $4,000 (at PPP over $7,000)...So why "The Economist" now uses GDP at PPP? It looks like the old days of the Cold War when Western media tried to create a "threatening" USSR with fake numbers and maninpulated maps. It looks Anglo-Americans now want to portrait China as the "Threat" even if the TRUTH is that thet the only nation which has invaded two Sovereign countries of 30 million people with a very, very agressive policy and lack of respect for international law has been the U.S.A. (United States) 50% of the World Defense spending comes also from the U.S.A. (more than the Nazis in its worse days) And it is the U.S. the one with dozens of military bases encincling China (S.Korea, Japan, Guam, Australia, Afghanistan...) while there is not a single Chinese military base next to America. I am very afraid of America and the U.K. I don′t have any doubt that, the same way they have done several times before (Spain, France, Germany, Russia) they will try to eliminate the competitor (CHINA)at any cost, at any cost. Remember this.
Recommend (155)
khmTzic3YT wrote: Sep 9th 2011 4:04 GMT
I apologize if you read this before but this essay is still pertinent:
Historical economist Angus Maddison in reports for the IMF took a longer term view of economics than just the Post WWII American School.
In studying World GDP for the past 4000 years, he found that China and India (combined), produce up to half of the world output for 90% of that period.
It is only in the past 300 years including the Renaissance, the Age of Reason, the Age of Exploration, the Age of Empire, Agricultural Revolution and Industrial Revolution, that the West eclipsed the East.
Dominant World Power
1500: Portugal.
1600: Habsburg Austria-Spain.
1700-1800: Great Britain.
1900: America.
2000: ?
The future is uncertain, but I do not see Spain or Portugal leading the world this century. Today Portugal and Spain are heavily indebted PIIGS. England is even more indebted but has an independent free floating currency. America is in decline and has the largest debt in the history of the world. Argentina was projected to be a world power in '99...that is 1899, but something did not work out.
And it is more than just having rapid economic growth. A country of 30 million or 60 million people, does not have the resources of a population of a billion. And a small land locked or frozen country, does not have the resources of a maritime power.
Few Modern Empires outlast a Century. And even fewer have been around for a Millennium. And even fewer are working on their 5th millennium. America is just recent arrival and one day, God willing, it will reach 1000 years old.
Rather than looking at quarterly, yearly, decade or generational data since WWII...look at the Century data. I urge you to look at the larger picture in historical economics from Maddison, OECD Report.
And now we may be seeing not the Rise of Asia, but the Re-Emergence of Asia. We are privileged to be witnessing historical transitions. Historians will scrutinize this era for significance: How do Empires Transition? If it is peaceful, it would be all the more remarkable.
I think the Western Economies need to take a longer view of Economic History. And forge new economic ties, less we again be left behind.
译者注:哈布斯堡家族(House of Habsburg) 为德意志封建统治家族。其主要分支在奥地利,亦称奥地利家族。远祖系日耳曼人中的一支,最早居住在阿尔萨斯和瑞士的阿尔高。11世纪初,由于该家族的主教斯特拉斯堡的维尔纳建立哈布斯堡,其家族即以哈布斯堡为名。统治时期从1282年起一直延续到第一次世界大战结束,是欧洲历史上统治时间最长、统治地域最广的封建家族。1273年,哈布斯堡家族的鲁道夫一世被选为神圣罗马帝国皇帝(1273~1291在位)。1438年开始神圣罗马帝国皇帝由哈布斯堡家族世袭。1918年奥匈帝国解体,哈布斯堡王朝的统治结束。
Recommend (128)
khmTzic3YT wrote: Sep 9th 2011 3:39 GMT
IMF this year forecast the eclipse of the American Economy by China to occur as soon as 2016.
However dysfunctional American Politics, loss of the AAA Credit rating, persistent recession, and record unemployment of the past 6 months was not factored in. IT would probably move up the date.
When you do not have unlimited time or money, it would be best to compensate with a smart strategy. If America and China could integrate policy, integrate world leadership, integrate military and space strategy, integrate pollution controls, and integrate their diverse economies it would be to the benefit of both countries and the world. Great Britain employed this strategy 100 years ago when it found its Empire in decline. It began its 'Special Relationship' with a an upstart America and remained a world leader.
Obama said, the US-Sino Relation is now the most important in the world. And Obama's kids are learning Mandarin. That is the start of integration.
Recommend (101)
vishnugupta wrote: Sep 9th 2011 5:02 GMT
History has never progressed in straight lines.What has happened in the past cannot be extrapolated in the future.
In the 1960s the USSR was on the ascent beating US to space and outpacing its growth.There were proper RAND papers on the USSR overtaking the US economically.Reason? US frittered vast sums of money on frivolous things like Mc Donalds hamburgers and fancy cars whereas the USSR concentrated its money and manpower in science and tech...By the year 2000 the report concluded that there was a high probability of it overtaking the US.
But then from 1970-91 it stagnated and fell apart for reasons still not quite clear...
The same fate may very well befall China,EU,India,US....
Who knows?
Recommend (80)
Anglicus wrote: Sep 9th 2011 3:35 GMT
It's very interesting that the graphic includes a comparison from 1870. Always good to have lots of historical perspective on what's going on today
Recommend (77)
calm incense wrote: Sep 9th 2011 4:16 GMT
@ enriquecost:
So first you criticize US/UK media for making China look like a "threat", and then you argue that China will bury America into the ground with its superior steel output?
The Economist comments section is long overdue for a "Do Not Recommend" button.
@ Anglicus:
Indeed, including a comparison from 1870 adds some nice historical perspective. But including a comparison from *1570* would have allowed the 2030 forecast to represent an economic era coming full circle.
Recommend (71)
justanonymous wrote: Sep 9th 2011 5:22 GMT
This graphic is gibberish, and index created arbitrarily to create an index that can be adjusted to show anything.
The US Economy is nearly 14 trillion dollars
Japan's Economy is around 4 trillion
China's is also near 4 trillion
The EU depending on how you decide to define it and which countries to include is between 8 and 12 trillion.
It's unrealistic to think that countries like China and India with 60% of their populations engaged in subsistence agriculture will in 20 years have standards of living surpassing those of Europeans and Americans. Sorry -- this is just so much propaganda.
Recommend (62)
Steve Thompson wrote: Sep 9th 2011 3:41 GMT
China is sitting on a looming demographic issue. Its aging population will create a shortage of workers in many parts of the economy, resulting in upward pressure on wages and downward pressure on economic growth rates.
Here is an examination of the demographic issues facing China:
Perhaps China's economic influence will not grow as quickly as one might anticipate now that the country's one child policy is coming home to roost.
Recommend (53)
New Conservative wrote: Sep 9th 2011 5:28 GMT
Stop throwing around the 5000 years of history. The oldest proven Chinese dynasty is the Shang, which started in 1200 BC. There is the Xia which predated them but by all historical records, the earliest that one started was 2000 BC.
The 5000 years number was started in the late 60's when Zhou Enlai was in Egypt visiting Nasser. So he moved the date of Chinese civilization back a thousand years so that Chinese civilization would be contemporary with ancient Egypt. That number has become official Chinese doctrine ever since.
Recommend (53)
89dASdRHQu wrote: Sep 9th 2011 4:50 GMT
I don't understand why everyone is always saying that the US is "in decline". A rough couple of years does not mean absolute death for a nation. Again, no one is looking at all the strengths of the US, but rather they are focusing on the current weaknesses. I'm not saying become blissfully ignorant, but rather stop being so damn negative. Stop worrying about what "might" happen several years from now and start focusing on the problems that are in our face now. As for China, three decades of growth does not equate to long term stability. Even the Chinese government has recognized that, and now are actually trying to cool down the currently overheating machine that is the Chinese economy. We should not be so concerned with other countries that we let our problems fall to the wayside. Focus on what we have to do here, in the US, and then we can worry about the rest of the world.
Regards, Java
Recommend (52)
Cleptocracy2011 wrote: Sep 9th 2011 4:46 GMT
You know, for as complicated as economy can be, The Economist seems to be a excessive China fanboy. I think in the near term China's economy will be larger in simple volume, but in the long term problems with social justice and massive population will absolutely bring China down. Social modernization will take generations and in that time new big players will emerge. China is today's story, but it won't last just as these charts suggest.
Recommend (42)
FarEasterner wrote: Sep 9th 2011 5:11 GMT
These kinds of ratings & forecasts I find acceptable to use after careful examinations of figures & methods used.
The world is determined to the great extent by geography & access to resources.
Just yesterday I was asked why Japan, not China, not Korea, not Vietnam or any other East Asian nation led economic modernization in the region.
I heard many plausible answers, but most forgot to mention geography.
Remember why ancient Greeks dominated Mediterranean world? Because geographically it was very easy to develop trading civilization there. But with Rome catching up Greek city states & Macedonia lacked depth & resources to stand up to Roman republic.
Japan is isolated and heavily populated chain of islands so it was difficult for European colonial powers to invade, that's why Western countries preferred to co-opt it into their designs. Japan political leadership at the time was also excellent and used temporary relief from foreign invasion, transfer of modern technologies & Confucian ethics of its population to their advantage.
But in the long run Japan is at disadvantage to China (again because of geography, resources). China is truly Celestial empire of Asian landmass. So when China got better leadership, management she quickly overtook Japan & on the course to overtake US.
When this happens nobody knows but I believe it's inevitable like the sun will be brighter than the moon. The centre of gravity in the world shifts to East Asia & Pacific.
Recommend (35)
Red Scare wrote: Sep 9th 2011 4:15 GMT
How about one that compares per capita GDP?
Recommend (29)
O Paco wrote: Sep 9th 2011 4:08 GMT
Another one bites the dust. Maybe when they lead, the Chinese media will be a bit less biased that all this Anglo propaganda.
(译者注:Another one bites the dust,Queen乐队的一首歌名。)
Recommend (28)
Harry Bowman wrote: Sep 9th 2011 5:52 GMT
This looks like one of those old forecasts of the future size of the Soviet economy, where the Soviet economic figures were taken at face value, and then projected to grow at the rate given in the five-year plans. And the answer is that the Chinese economy in 2030 will be a triumph of Mao Zedong thought.
Oh, and another thing-- PPPs are a profoundly anti-market way to measure economic size. The yuan does not seem to be valued in a way that is massively out of whack with reality- if it were, you would see Chinese people not wanting to keep dollars. You don't see that.
Recommend (27)
PaxIndica wrote: Sep 9th 2011 9:08 GMT
Back in 2004 I remember reading the transcript in an Indian newspaper, of an interview with a policymaker in India's planning commission. The interviewer, as some scribes in India are only too happy to, tried to create a headline by asking a question which (he hoped) prompted an answer he was looking for. He was disappointed.
Journalist: Goldman Sachs projects that by 2050 India will be the third largest economy in the world. Do you agree ?
Policymaker: We have the world's second largest population now. We will have the largest population on this planet well before 2050. If we don't figure in one of top three in the world on everything, all of us really need to get our our heads examined. Top three in absolute GDP wouldn't be an achievement, its the absolutely bare minimum necessary to keep from flunking the class.
The interview was relegated to the back pages. And too many Indians gloat. Actually, we oscillate between national depression and national euphoria. We waste entirely too much time in extreme emotion and not enough time in 'getting on with it'.
2nd or 3rd largest is great, I just want India to be able to:
1] Wipe out poverty. As in, eliminate it completely. If after that our per capita income is closer to Namibia's or Norway's, it'll all be so much better than today.
2] Enforce the freedom of speech with absolute conviction, no exceptions. Any country calling itself a democracy, much less the world's largest, and then banning books, gatherings, etc is quite insane.
3] This might sound strange given India's population, but really, relax immigration laws and make it easier for non-citizens to work in India. Infrastructure is improving, eventually India will be a livable country for expatriates of most countries to work as professionals in. Most Indians think that they are very receptive to other nations and cultures. We're somewhat open, but we haven't modernized much, certainly not as fast as we could. We need Europeans, Americans, Hispanics, East Asians, Africans and now after the spring, Arabs working and living in India in large numbers to truly modernize our economy, society and nation.
Recommend (26)
OnePersonThinkTank wrote: Sep 9th 2011 7:11 GMT
According to a recent article on msnbc, of the millions of newly minted millionaires in China, 27% have emigrated, of the remaining, 47% are looking into it. Favorite destination? America of course. I say we take full advantage of that and charge $1M per green card, $3M for a family of 3. Use their money to pay off our debt to them. Genius!!
Recommend (25)
enriquecost wrote: Sep 9th 2011 4:33 GMT
calm incense,
I added that U.S. weapons are of much better quality than old age Chinese weapons....The U.S. spends SIX TIMES more money in weapons than China, and by 2030 still will spend THREE TIMES more money in weapons than China. I just said that even if an agressive U.S. military polity tries to attack and invade China they can fail because even if Chinese weapons are of less quality they can manufacture much more weapons as they produce eight times more steel than the U.S.
calm incense,
Recommend (24)
enriquecost wrote: Sep 9th 2011 3:56 GMT
But will the U.S. win this time? If we take into account that the European Community of Steel and Coal which created the European Union was based on control of German steel as steel is the main source of Defense manufacturing....Now China produces EIGHT TIMES MORE STEEL than America, so they have the ability to manufacture a great deal of weapons even if the quality of most will be lower than the America.
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enriquecost wrote: Sep 9th 2011 4:36 GMT
Just take into account that China doesn′t have even a GPS system, and has just launched its first old age aircraft carrier...
Recommend (23)
L.Y.Z. wrote: Sep 10th 2011 6:13 GMT
Quite amusing to take notice of the repressed thoughts vented by the China bashers with a mere forecast!
Obviously for those proselytizers a new Lord Elgin is urgently needed. Preferably, still can have some skill with matches. Lol.
译者注:“埃尔金”是苏格兰东北部一座小城的名字, 17世纪中叶之前的苏格兰是一个独立的王国。1633年6月,这个王国设立“埃尔金伯爵”贵族封号,并将其颁赏给声名显赫的布鲁斯家族。苏格兰于1654年并入英国之后,这一封号保留下来。370多年来,布鲁斯家族承袭这一封号的共有11人,其中广为人知者,一是劫掠希腊帕特农神庙的第七代传人托马斯·布鲁斯,二是火烧中国圆明园的第八代传人詹姆斯·布鲁斯。
Recommend (10)
sloop slided wrote: Sep 9th 2011 8:39 GMT
China and India have such a large population it'd be ridiculous if they weren't a big economic power at some point.
Recommend (9)
bpai wrote: Sep 9th 2011 9:00 GMT
I still remember all the articles in the 1980s foretelling the coming of the Japanese Century.
Where would news magazines be if they couldn't take a snapshot of trends at a (carefully selected) moment in time, extrapolate them into the future as if they would continue unchanged forever, and use that for a dramatic headline?
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slkchina wrote: Sep 10th 2011 1:35 GMT
Regarding the idea that China's one child policy will cause trouble in the future in terms of work force, I want to share my obsrvation after living in China for five years. It seems to me that there is a tremendous redundancy in labor. Stores have hordes of salespersons while you have to scour the whole floor in the USA to find someone to help you. Construction sites use the muscle power of many workers instead of the labor-saving technology of the west. Teachers teach two classes a day (90 to 110 kids) while American teachers teach five or six classes a day (150 to 180 and climbing) I think there will be absolutely no problem of a future labor shortage.
Recommend (9)
An Drew wrote: Sep 10th 2011 3:16 GMT
I admire your skills of connecting absolutely odd things and thus coming up with the discovery of a masterful plan by the "Anglo-American" propaganda arms with their intentions in starting a wave of hatred against China.
You started with how The Economist this time used PPP figures instead of nominal ones (misunderstanding the fact that the article mentions that the work is by someone from the Peterson Institute), and then you stretch it from there to how the US spends %50 of all the defense spending, and how it invaded two countries illegally.
Next time, if what you only want to prove is how bad and evil a country the US is, just declare it without drawing these bizarre connections.
Recommend (7)
FarEasterner wrote: Sep 9th 2011 9:12 GMT
Writers of articles on Japanese century were mesmerized (or probably participated) by spectacular rise of property prices in Japan which was classical bubble.
China also will face many bubbles but is unlikely to repeat Japan's mistakes - policy makers are more cautious and if bubbles will burst their impact will be limited.
Recommend (6)
oe.shuren wrote: Sep 9th 2011 11:45 GMT
You might add that according to some economists, China's economy was the largest in the world in the Ming Dynasty. "The economy of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1662) of China was the largest in the world during that period. It is regarded as one of China's three golden ages (the other two being the Han and Tang periods). The period was marked by the increasing political influence of the merchants, the gradual weakening of imperial rule, and technological advances." Although currency was paper at the beginning, it shifted to silver later. Agriculture and trade flourished and taxation and regulation was light. "Ming iron production surpassed all previous dynasties, with annual production of 195,000 tons a year, compared to 125,000 tons during the height of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and 180,000 tons for the whole of 18th-century Europe."
The question might well be why capitalism failed and competitive advantage went to Europe.
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nkab wrote: Sep 10th 2011 3:13 GMT
Relax guys of Nay or Yea Sayers, in as much as this is seemingly a good chart from the Economist, China is not going to dominant the world the way British did or the Americans do today, not for the foreseeable next few hundreds of years IMO.
That's because regardless how one argues if China will be the mightiest in trade in future years or not, it’s really inconsequential. The “might is right” is just not in the blood of Chinese culture, nor in the card of CCP government policy.
Having said that, let me quote British philosopher Bertrand Russell, generally considered a great one in the span of thousands of years of Western philosophy, who said in an interview with New York World on May 4th, 1924:
[ “I have come to realize that the white race isn’t as important as I used to think it was……..; and in many ways, China is the greatest country I have ever seen. It is not only the greatest numerically and greatest culturally, but it seems to me the greatest intellectually.
I know of no civilization where there is such open-mindedness, such realism, such a willingness to face the facts as they are, instead of trying to distort them into a particular pattern.” ]
Russell came from one of the oldest and most famous families in England. His grand father Lord Russell was a prominent British Prime Minister and his father Earl of Russell was a free thinker. So Westerners reading his comment above should take a grain of salt.
For Chinese reading Bertrand Russell’s comment above, I think you should take with it lots of salts.
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nkab wrote: Sep 10th 2011 9:35 GMT
@Michael Dunne wrote: Sep 10th 2011 3:35 GMT
“nkab, ……………He responded: "I will send the police to arrest them." “
Some nice analogies there you have posted, and in the case “sending police”, it’s a clear indication to me that “might is right” was well entrenched in the "blood and iron" like Western strategic thinking, but not by every state or all the time to be sure.
That brings to the point that in today’s thinking anti-hegemony is not necessarily anti-West. By the same token, pro China commentators here are not necessarily anti- West (meaning here US/ UK mainly, but also anyone who is "against" China, a la Bush definition of friend or foe).
However, having been had for the past 200 years, the Chinese pro China commentators are sensitive lot. I think most of them see current affairs developing almost always in the prism of “conspiracy”, and rightly so especially, with all these wikileaks coming out of closets of late, proving once again what have been generally know all along that such suspicions are not unfounded. But the flip side being once affixed with “conspiracy”, all sorts of wild guess or phobia would suddenly become alive for a reason in the eyes of beholders such as yours truly--this commentator.
Now there are spoken and unspoken fears or concerns in the West against China’s rise in power, influence, wealth and the mere status of being among the equals, and the West would naturally stop at nothing to derail or deter China’s reemergence at every chance it has got. In a way, such Western fears are understandable and even legitimate from West interest point view. But such views are shallow and near sighted IMO.
For example, the West knows say what a Germany, a Russia or a Japan would do once they have become the most powerful as they share similar mind set in international politics and power play. But they don’t seem to know what China will do once it became the most powerful. They can’t quite put the finger on it because the obvious “cultural divide” and their unreasonable fear of today's “communism”.
It’s these unknowns that are driving West postures to mitigate the risk involved by trying to neutralize or deter China from happening. Thus the whole sale propaganda against CCP regime and communism, the China threat (read perils), the technology and arms boycott, the containment and everything else between Dalia Lama and kitchen sinks that would make China looking miserable and help to drive it on the defensive, hopefully all the time leaving China no time for its development.
But no superpower can be that all almighty. Driven by profit and perhaps necessity they had to trade or otherwise interact with China, and in the process, making China that much more "unstoppable" in its reemergence. Of course nobody is all stoppable or unstoppable in principle.
So a more realistic and proactive approach is to be pro China and pro West at the same time, a sort of “minimax” in real practice. That is, there would be no single dominating super power any more but several big powers of influence with room for new comers.
Well, that’s a mouthful trying to tell you guys that pro-China is not anti-West per se. Pro-China actually means pro win-win, IMO.
Recommend (6)
Yawer Sajjad wrote: Sep 10th 2011 7:10 GMT
China has battled a long way to reach a position it holds today. China's flourishing economy is the postive indicatior in the south asia.
Recommend (5)
emmonse wrote: Sep 10th 2011 11:36 GMT
Those who believe that China is a powerful country may make a huge mistake, actually, if you come to China, it's quite easy to find that this seemingly powerful country actually is full of corruption and social inequality. A small number of people have the most treasure, and the privileged class can do anything they want. Law is kind of bullshit in this country.In effect, as long as you have money, law is completely bullshit for you.
Many young people are trying their best to improve their current state, however, most of them are becoming aware of this truth: No matter how hard I work and study, it's so hard for me to live a decent life, just because my parents are not government officials and they have no money and privilege.
The youth are losing hope, and the country is losing the support from it's future hosts.
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student of history wrote: Sep 10th 2011 7:01 GMT
khmTzic3YT, The chart that you have given of world powers is very euro centric. A more global view of the Dominant "world Power" in 1500 would probably be the Ottoman empire/Ming China. Similarly in 1600 the dominant world power in 1600 would probably be the Ottoman empire/Mughal Empire. In the 1700 I would hesitate to name a dominant world power but the closest might be Manchu China?
History is a never ending cycle of powers rising and falling. Whilst No one has a crystal bowl, some broad trends can be taken. I think that the 21st century will be the 18th century in reverse. In the year 1700 all of the richest most powerful states of the world appeared to be in the in the East, the Ottoman empire, the Safavid empire, the Mughal empire, Manchu China. The West was making inroads but had nothing compared to the wealth or apparent power of these states. By the year 1800 the West was in a dominant position, and the eastern empires were completely overshadowed, some gone and some in an advanced stage of decay. In the year 2000 the richest most powerful states of the world were in the West (excluding Japan), i.e. North America (USA & Canada), E.E.C. (particularly Western Europe). Asia is rising, but compared to what these countries have Asia does not have the wealth or military muscle, the opposite of 1700! Whilst I am unable to predict which country will be where, I think that the rise of the East at the expense of the West (as it is known today) is a foregone conclusion. There are other rising areas/states all of which are going to negatively impact the status quo, for e.g. Brazil is a rising state, in the last decade Africa has started to progress etc. So the one thing I can say with certainty is that the age of dominance of Europe has definitely gone, and North America (USA and Canada) may well remain global players but they will be amongst a number of equal powers, not paramount.
When academics make estimates about India and China being 50% of the world GDP for much of the last two millennium, whilst I acknowledge that for most of that time these 2 states were amongst the richest places on the planet, I am skeptical about the data on which this percentage is based. For example how is the data factoring in the economic output of the Aztec and Inca empires in South America? Both these empires were immensely rich and economically advanced (though not [relatively] militarily since they had not harnessed Iron as a weapon), and to the best of my knowledge (due to the destruction wrought by the invading Europeans most of the records of these societies were lost) very little data is available with respect to their economies. So how does this factor into the economic equation Re world GDP analysis of the 14th to the 16th centuries?
When societies/states begin to rise the first thing that they catch up on is military technology. It is worth noting that whilst in the 16th century Europe (the west) had caught up with the rest of the world in military technology, and by 1700 had overtaken the world in this field in most of the other sciences (excluding mechanization) it overtook the world in the second half of the 19th century. Here I am referring to things like architecture, medicine, astrology, philosophy, education systems, town planning etc. Today that same process is being played out in reverse. From the 18th century to the first of the 20th century, comparatively tiny (in numbers) western armies could enforce their will on countries and states in other parts of the world. So if the British wanted a regime change in say Iran it was a matter of a few gun boats and a couple of battalions of troops. Today to invade a midsized power in Asia (Iraq) it has taken the deployment of a huge amount of the military muscle (not to mention allied forces) of the dominant military power of the day i.e. the USA. The change in the equation is also reflected in the fact that whilst the west is able to interfere in say Libya or other parts of Africa, with comparative impunity, military interference in say, Syria is not an option, due to that county’s military strength. Similarly other than the USA no power in the western world has the military muscle, to be able to confront any of the (militarily) strong countries in Asia in their neighborhood. Even for the USA a military conflict with one of these militarily strong (and getting stronger) states could inflict unacceptable damage (irrespective of the ultimate result) on the US military machine and has to be considered carefully, hence the US problem with Iran or North Korea.
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student of history wrote: Sep 10th 2011 7:01 GMT
When the difference today in living standards and quality of life between, Asian societies and the West is considered, remember that the transfer of wealth between Europe and South and Central America in the 15th and 16th centuries, and again Asia and Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries was not based on trade and economic competition. It was based on western military dominance which allowed the west to pillage the resources and wealth of these areas. Given Asia’s rising military strength that is no longer possible. Moving forward the same thing may well happen in reverse, so it is worth bearing this in mind when the difference in living standards of say Western Europe and North America is being compared with that of China or India, and it is argued that it will take centuries for this difference to be made up.
A last observation. History is a cycle, change will always take place, status quo powers will seek to prevent it, and the anti status quo powers will try to change things. For this purpose the status quo powers will try to identify the competition and if possible neutralize it before it becomes a threat, or will seek to restrain the rise of the opposition. A good example of this would be Britain. It saw Revolutionary/Napoleonic France as a threat to its dominance and in alliance with different states in Europe over a 25 year period (1790s to 1815s) cut it down to size. In the late 19th century, and first half of the 20th century, Britain’s threat was Germany, and it created a series of alliances to restrain Germany, which resulted in two world wars, and the end of that threat (how the recent past has played out and Britain’s own decline is a different matter). On the other hand Britain did not see the USA as a major competitor until the late 19th century. When it did it had no cards to play to restrain it, plus imperial Germany was seen as a bigger threat, so it tried to co-opt the USA into its side as much as it could. How the imperial game is played in the next 50 years may well be either or neither of these scenarios. The USA could try to opt for alliances to contain potential rivals or try to co-opt them into its side. Alternatively another scenario could be for the Asian nations to get together on the premise that historically they have suffered most from outside (i.e. outside Asia) interference. They may well decide that they are not interested in geopolitics, and freeze the USA out. Historically China and India, being rich countries, have showed little inclination to go out and conquer other lands. They have sought to enjoy their riches, to protect themselves from Invasion and project their influence to that end. They have had all that they have needed and shown little interest in what happens beyond their immediate neighborhood. If they retreat into insularity the USA or any other players may well have no real geopolitic cards to play to try to control the rise of this part of the world.
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(原文来自英国经济学人网站 译文:龙腾网 翻译:熊孩子)