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印网民评中印军舰南海对峙 说中国咄咄逼人

论坛出处:西陆中国军事 作者:耕叟 时间:2011-09-05 04:00:28


It is typical for China to act as a bully child in terms of its foreign affairs.  I don't think India needs to stoop to China's level but it should also not try to cover up the incidents.  Ultimately, China is simply forcing the Phillipines and Vietnam into closer relationships with India and the US.  The simple carrot and stick approach to foreign affairs that China has taken in foreign affairs will ultimately back-fire.  Just as a bully can't make people be friends with him, a country cannot force neighbors to acquiesce to it forcibly.
这是中国外交事务中典型的欺负人。我认为印度不需要对中国卑躬屈膝,也不应该试图掩盖事件的发生。中国类似的行为,只能导致菲律宾和越南不得不与美印建立更加紧密的关系。就像人不会跟恶霸做朋友,一个国家也不可能通过逼迫的形式要求邻国默从于它。中国外交事务中擅用的 “胡萝卜加大棒”政策最终会弄巧成拙,适得其反。

Time to Act, before EOD..... Looks like our Old Neighbor is planning some thing BIG this time, from all end, which cover Sea, Air and Land in North and East side of India, and under the table from West with Pak...
India should Take this Matter serious and get all new Equipment for Army, Navy and Air force.... and the Parliament should double the Budget for Exercise for all three Powers now... Otherwise India will sure get some Major Set back ...

It's time for India to start building warships and submarines to out match China. United Staes would be glad to sell and also transfer the technology as much as they possibly can. India also needs atleast ten aircraft carriers, not used Russian junk but brand new ones. This is an Indian priority.
Manmohan govt has made this country most weakest nation when even Pakistan is issuing warning to India.China is very aggressive & is behaving like monster which is very serious matter.While this govt has no guts to say anything to China.Such weak govt must be replaced immediately which is under foreign command who is working against this country on all fronts.

Indian Government does not have guts to act or even talk. They have no time to think of country since all their time is spent to hatch plant to loot the country and our army, military , naval top brass have time only to drink in parties, lavish their time with family, in efficient army, military, air force officers, who have no knowledge of modern technologies in warfare, substandard officers, substandard equipments, substandard quality of training, they just work lie coolies, how can they take over Superior Chinese, see our defense minister, he is a joker, cant even talk properly, some like TN Seshan or kiren Bedi or Kairnar Ex. Municipal Commissioner of Mumbai should be defense minister. Historically Indian defense ministers are dump-ass-holes.

Nixon reply to Friendsfrnd
yup that's why they bow to sinhalese, and no tamils, because tamils are indians!
becareful Sinhalese aren't stupid! They switch side so easy as soon as they get Nuclear Weapon from China! Just like Pakistan got it, it has made India not to have a war with Pakistan!

We can have $200 billion trade once chinese take less aggressive attitude towards native indic races and show some compassion. here is our concern. Chinese are quite racist and hegemony oriented people like ghoras. each trying to build deal with one another. Singa'pur' used to be indo-tribal races people like thailand, malaysia, vietnam, phillipines, etc.All these places got flooded with chinese races quite like how Australia and Nz got flooded with Ghora races due to intrusion. Historically chinese intrusions made ASEAN nations weak, certain ASEAN nation became weak and could not resist colonization and even rampant conversions.  Those being Philippines (spanish-Vatican), Indonesia-Malaysia (Islamic invasion and separation of converts with religion branding-dress-food ...), etc. All these intrusions makers and colonizers should cut down their population by 90%, the same needs to happen in Tibet where Chinese intrusion needs to stop. Concern in certain nations of ASEAN is that Chinese have become aggressive as Japanese can become in certain situations and competitive like insects and multiply like the insects as well. To establish hegemony, chinese are importing brides from vietnam, laos and so on。India needs to essentially find a way to increase it strength and not follow blind growth model for urbanization and rural'ization' into the  tribal areas.

tell north-easterners to infiltrate chinese army..;-0

tit-for-tat. why didnt we stop the chinese spy ship in internationational waters & temporarily detain them. china would have had an angry de-marche & we wold have said sorry & it would have ended there.we indians are more prone to love & genteel, and we need to have some thorns on our exterior, for our safety

Anil reply to Javed
The valor is saved to punish the public like Ramdev, Anna's supporters at home.
This has nothing to do with love and genteel.

Retaliate when their ships enter the Indian Ocean. Check them when they sail to Sri Lanka or anywhere in the IO.Stop them dumping their goods in India. There are so many ways. But Being Indians, nothing of these will happen. SOFT TARGETS!

Most of the time Chinese military does things to earn kudos of their domestic audience. Remember Chinese military is 'The Main Actor' in Chinese politics. They like to act the big bully pointing out with their index finger, whatever you see till the horizon belongs to them. Don't worry about it and keep your head cool. No one means any harm. It is just their way of greeting anyone.

Summit reply to Bharatiya
You seem to be another Nehru..

Well... they can't do nothing anyways... stopped and done what? The battleships will still be there, the other nations will still be calling it their background, China is all bark and no bite - a weak country with a big mouth.

Summit  reply to Raj
a weak country??? Even the USA is afraid of her and for you it is a weak country

Raj reply to Summit
Nope, not really - the reason why they even care about China is because of the Chinese treasury bond investment. And China didn't do so because they could do so, but because America is a major Chinese market.
China has been historically weak - they lost to Vietnam, were conquered by a tiny Japan, were involved in a civil war throughout their history and are divided based on religion, language (yes they have multiple languages too, cantonese, hokkien, teochew to name a few). Read romance of the 3 kingdoms - it was a divided country, like India (novel based on historical fact).
They've just won two major conflicts - one in North Korean against tired UN forces and other against India which was not well prepared since most of it's forces were based in the West...
Sallu-mia reply to Raj
remember 1965? For us it was a war...for them it was a border skirmish...the problem nowadays is that we constantly get high on the patriotic jingoism created by our beloved media that we barely realize our weaknesses.
记得1965年么(1965年,印巴战争)?对我们来说,那是场战争,对他们,那只是一个边界小冲突……当今最大的问题在于,我们不断抬高被我们媒体自己鼓吹出来的所谓爱国武力外交政策,却意识不到自己的软弱之处。 (原文 译文龙腾网 翻译:vero)

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